Chapter 49 | case closed?

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After what felt like months... and what was a few months actually... you finally managed to get the case almost over.

Having tracked down your last suspect last night and sending the police off to arrest them, you were now in the stage of the case where you had to wait for court dates and trails to happen. Meaning you finally, had some free time. The case wasn't over just yet, but now you could actually breathe knowing everyone involved was at the very least in custody.

"Any replies?" L asked, looking over your shoulder at the computer.

"None so far. They made the arrest but now we have to wait on further developments in court dates and stuff. But everyone on the list linked to the site is now under police custody" you replied.

"Finally, looks like we have some time to kill while we wait for further updates"

You couldn't help but feel like even though the case was so close to being done, there was still something missing. That paranoid feeling was still lingering.

"You ok?" L asked, noticing your domineer.

"Yeah, I'm just wondering... what were they planning to do with Rosie? I mean if they were going to try and traffic her... to who? Have the already been arrested or are they still out there? And if it wasn't a trafficking attempt when why did they take her?" You replied.

"Still paranoid?"


You just couldn't help but feel like there was still something you had to. Even if nothing came of it, you still wanted to know exactly WHY they took Rosie. Was there a bigger plot or was if a crime of opportunity. The main theory was they'd either use her for snuff footage or traffic her, both horrible things. But you didn't know for sure what the plan was, that worried you knowing there might still be someone involved out there.

"Well, you've worked hard enough the past few weeks tracking everyone down. I'll look into it after we've taken a break ok? You need a break" L assured.

"Ok, I suppose you're right I need to get away from the screen for a bit" you replied.

"Let's go see the kids, see what they're up to"

You followed L down the halls of the orphanage, looking in the rooms for Rosie and the successors. Eventually you passed a window and spotted them all outside playing on the courts, Matt and Near each held the ends of skipping ropes and Linda, Mello and Rosie took turns doing double Dutch.

"Man I remember skipping ropes being the big thing in my primary school, I sucked at double Dutch though" you reminisced.

"4 square was the thing here when I was a kid. The amount of balls that have accidentally landed on the roof is astounding" L replied.

You didn't want to disturb them, so you decided to just sit on the bench outside and watch. You and L wanted to make sure Rosie was playing well with the others, and L wanted to also make sure Near and Mello didn't get into another argument as they always did.

"Ok ready Rosie?" Matt asked.

Rosie nodded, ready to jump into the ropes.


The boys spinning both ropes, Rosie watched as they hit the ground timing her jump in. As soon as she was an opening, she rushed in and began to jump over each rope as it hit the ground. And as was playground tradition, the other kids started to jump rope rhyme.

"Bubble gum, bubble gum. Penny a packet. First you chew it, then you crack it. Then you stick it In your jacket. Then your parents kick up a racket. Bubble gum, bubble gum, penny a packet!"

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