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Cordell couldn't resist the urge to mess with his fingers hoping to lighten the anxiety. Emily grabbed his hand knowing what was on his mind.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I don't know honestly," Cordell answered. He honestly wasn't sure why he was nervous, training to become a Texas ranger wasn't anything compared to asking a little girl one simple question. "I don't even know why I'm so nervous, its just Felicia."

"Yes the little girl who adores you and looks at you like no one else does," Emily respond. She knew what was his really causing his nerves. She was nervous herself and hoped that Felicia would be alright with it, she was also worried about her two children. Would they be able to accept a new sibling in their lives? Even if they enjoyed playing with her, it wouldn't be the same as living with her. There was also the matter of how long the process would take, adopting a child took a long time and Felicia wouldn't be staying in the hospital much longer. So they had to make their choice now or she would be off into the sunset. "I'm scared too," Emily admitted. "There are so many unknowns with a change like this," she continued. "This is selfish of me to say but I love that girl even if she's not mine."

"I know," Cordell answered. "I feel the same way." He gave his wife a soft kiss on the lips. The change they wanted to make would be difficult, but together they could do it. Whether Felicia said yes or not she would always be family, and the two would always love her.
"You better go see her," Emily said. "She's probably waiting for you." Cordell let out one last breath before getting up, he had been sitting in the waiting room for almost three hours. After adjusting his hat Cordell walked over to the desk and said he was here to see Felicia.

"Let me guess another gift?" The man asked.
"Sorta I've actually been meaning to talk with her about something," Cordell answered. The man stiffend as if he was fighting a negative expression, before letting the Texas ranger by. "Thank you." Cordell walked down the children's hospital hallway, already knowing the route by heart. Like everyday for the past two weeks Cordell came into Felicia's room and found her playing on the floor. Stella and August were there attempting to play with Felicia. It didn't surprise him since the three had become inseparable.
"You should give the horse a name," Stella said. "The animals at my house all have one."

"How many animals do you have?" Felicia asked.
"Ten!" August exclaimed happily. Stella gave her younger brother a look. He was four and didn't know how to count really, even so the seven year old scolded him for being wrong.
"Auggie be quiet." Stella told him.
"I'll tell Mommy and daddy you said a bad word." August responded crossing his arms. Cordell was about to intervene, Felicia touched them both on the shoulders and stopped them from fighting.
"Hey you guys no need to fight, I'm not mad or anything," Felicia said. "You two should listen to each other, that way you two want have to fight."

The two siblings instantly stopped fighting much to Cordell's shock and thanked Felicia. After that the two quickly noticed their father and ran over to hug him.
"Daddy you came back!" Stella exclaimed.
"I told you both I would, are you two behaving?" Cordell asked holding them both close. Stella was getting a bet too big to be held but he still enjoyed holding them anyway.  August nodded and explained the fun game they were playing. "Really what was it called?"

"Sliver ball," August responded mixing up his words a bit. Felicia laughed a little bit since the game was actually called silver ball, she created the game while she lived with her mom. Whenever her mom went out she would find a ball and throw it over the net in her yard. It was difficult without a partner but she made the game herself and even gave it rules to make to fair for Stella and August. "We tossed the ball around and the horsie was our net, I got this many points." He held up five fingers to show how many points he got.
"He actually got a lot more, each time the ball goes over the net its five points, missing takes two away." Stella added in.

Cordell had never heard of a game like that but found it interesting. He told his two kids that he wanted them to teach him but he needed some alone time with Felicia.
"Why?" August asked.
"Am in trouble?" Felicia asked suddenly speaking.
"Of course not kiddo, just wanted to tell you something." Cordell responded.
"Okay well I have something to tell you as well," Felicia responded. Stella led herself and her brother back to their mother. Cordell promised not to take long and sat down next to her. She gave him a quick hug before sitting back down. "What do you want to tell me?" She asked.

"Felicia," Cordell responded. Before he could answer Felicia heard the noise of a car skittering across the road. She covered her ears and closed her eyes not wanting to hear. The world around began to fade and she felt someone shaking her. "Felicia," Cordell said again this time louder. A sudden pain ran through her body and the world around became brighter. "Felicia!" Cordell exclaimed  finally waking her up. Felicia blinked in confusion realizing she had been dreaming, her side ached and her head felt like it was on fire. She looked around her realizing that she was inside of a damaged car, after seeing that she suddenly realized what had happened. She had been in a car accident, everything came flooding back to hear and she became scared.

"Hey don't fall asleep on me, I'm going get you out," Cordell assured her. He still has cuts on his face and Felicia remembered that how he got them. She burst into tears overwhelmed by the situation and the uncertain future. Cordell grabbed what was left of the car door and picked her up in his arms. "It's alright kiddo I gotcha."
"Dad..." She cried into his chest not able to herself and reason why she had called him that. Cordell seemed shocked by her words briefly and that was the last thing she remembered before her vision went dark.

A/n I am so excited to finally start the sequel to Fulcrum, originally I was going to wait until the new season of Walker came out. But I am worried that I will lose my ideas for the sequel if I didn't start it. So here we are and I know have questions so feel free to ask them, and how did Felicia get that accident? Keep on reading to find out.

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