Chapter two

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A/n oh I'm so happy to finally be able to work on this story again, I apologize the WiFi at my house went out for over twenty four hours but I'm back now. Hope you guys are ready for more of this fanfic, and leave your guesses in the comments as to how Felicia is going to find out about her parentage.

Cordell lost it as soon as the words left Avis's mouth, a rage he didn't know he had boiled through his mind and he pushed Avis against the wall knocking him out of the chair. "What did to you tell me now!" Cordell screamed. Avis laughed like a mad man even after Cordell began punching him attempting to make him talk.
"I could tell you but then you'd kill me and you would never know who she is," Avis responded. He finally stopped laughing and grabbed Cordell's arm stopping him from punching again. "I believe you've done enough time for me to make a move,"

With relative ease Avis twisted Cordell's wrist and forced the ranger off him. Cordell fell onto the desk breaking it in the process and Avis brushed the blood of his suit. "Oh look what you've done to my clothes, and this was brand new to."
"Screw you!" Cordell yelled catching Avis by surprise and knocking him over with his legs before standing up clutching his arm in pain. Avis dropped to the ground with a loud thud and Cordell ran off, he was slower because of his injury and probably had bruises in multiple places. Avis followed after him holding a gun of his own, he would not allow Cordell to get away. Despite being injured Cordell finally answered his phone, to his fortune Felicia was on the other end. "Felicia something is not right!" He exclaimed.

"Cordell where are you?" Felicia asked. She had to know what was going on.
"Look Avis took over and he has no interest in you, its all been about me!" He answered but he didn't get to say more before he was hit on the head with the back of Avis's gun. Cordell passed out almost instantly and dropped his phone, allowing Avis to pick it up.
"Walker what does that mean!?" Felicia screamed on the other end. "Dad please..." Avis growled after hearing that, he couldn't let her find out about her parentage.
"Oh I'm afraid he can't come to the phone right now." Avis said. Miles was nearby and picked up the unconscious Cordell, Avis was lucky that guy was always nearby. He signaled for Miles to take Cordell to his truck where he would take him back to his house. No one would ever find Cordell there and he would be able to arrest Felicia, looking like a hero to the public.

"What did you do to him!" Felicia exclaimed. Avis laughed he had forgotten that she was still on the phone.
"Oh he's just in the back of a truck now, good luck finding him Fulcrum." He said hanging up on her and placing the phone in his pocket.
"Sir there is a high chance he might wake up before we can make it back." Miles cautioned. Avis firmly told him to shut up and said that he would deal with the ranger if he woke up.
"Drive Miles and make sure you give our new friend the gift she requested as a thank you." Avis responded..


Felicia was hysterical after hearing what happened, she couldn't handle the thought of Avid killing Cordell because of her. She wanted to run all the way back home but remembered she had sent everyone to Walker's ranch. So nobody would be at the shelter except for maybe one person, placing her hands on the wheel she drove all the back to the shelter. It was empty as all of her friends and residents had left, but Felicia still saw Cleo standing alone. She looked red in the face and approached her friend.

"Felicia..." Cleo began but she was slapped across the face before she could say more. "Oww! What the heck? I was going to apologize."
"Don't call me Felicia and what did you do?!" Felicia screamed in her face. Cleo didn't answer not expecting her friend to get this upset over a ranger she had seen for less than a month. "Don't ignore me I know you did something to Walker!"
"I did what I had to okay," Cleo responded. "I don't know why you're so worked up about this, he was using you," she continued. "Miles told me that the captain assigned Walker to spy on you, don't you see that he lied?"  She asked. Felicia shook her head and her eyes were watery.
"Miles works for Avis how could you trust him?"

"Because I'm tired of all this men with badges arresting you for no good reason!" Cleo exclaimed. "I don't care how nice Walker appears to be or that you knew him, they're all the same and will only end up stabbing you in the back!" She continued. "I did all of this for you, don't you see that?" Felicia backed away not able to believe the words Cleo was saying. After everything she and Cleo had been through, she had been thrown under the best in a matter of seconds. The betrayal was just too much and her heart sank into the pits of her stomach.
"The only liar I see is you Cleo," Felicia finally said. "Maybe you don't get it but you're supposed to be my best friend and you set my father figure into a trap," she continued. "He might be dead because of you, so we are done!"

Felicia ran out of the shelter not looking back and Cleo followed after her, even when she got into a car.
"No wait please come back Licia!" Cleo exclaimed. Felicia said nothing and drove off with tears still running down her face, it was just too much and she felt like she was being ripped apart. She didn't know how long she cried but because of her distraught state she didn't notice the large truck on the upcoming road. Once she saw it she franticly tried to keep control of her car, but the truck skidded off the road and she was hit knocking her head against the window and blacking out. She lay still unmoving and the sudden twist off movement caused Cordell to wake up in the back of the truck.

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