Chapter nine

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After waking up and being treated by his personal doctors Avis was told some bad news. "Your body isn't healing like it should and the car crush has caused inflammation in your brain."
"What can be done?" Miles asked while Avis sat there in shock. He always viewed himself as invincible so dying from a car crash wasn't something he planned on happening.

"Its hard to say the swelling may go down but its just that," the doctor responded. "His lung has been twisted and his ribs are broken."
"How long do I have?" Avis asked finally speaking. In his sick twisted mind this meant that if he was going down, he was taking down Cordell with him.
"As long as your body gives you," The doctor said. " I am sorry I couldn't do more for you." Miles told the doctor she was dismissed and she left the room with her curly hair bouncing off her shoulders. Avis was surprisingly calm after the news unlike most who would be panicking.

He went over to his desk where he pulled off a blood stained folder. His real name was on it along with a hospital wrist band from when he was a patient at an insane asylum.
"Um sir?" Miles asked. Avis didn't answer and placed the folder and wrist band in a paper shredder. As it was torn apart Avis smiled like a manic and turned back to face his assistant.
"Schizophrenia," he said finally speaking. Miles gulped but didn't say a word, he knew that his boss was psychological crazy, but he didn't know it was that bad. "Miles my final days are approaching and I want that man to pay!" He screamed. "Prepare yourself, I'm going to pay dear old Walker a visit."


Felicia was officially discharged after the bomb had been dropped on her, she believed that Cordell was telling the truth, but she wanted to be certain. So while her doctor was giving her the medicine she needed to recover and strict instructions on what not to do. She asked if she could get a paternity test done, they asked her why but she didn't answer. Doctor Grey pricked her finger and took a piece of her hair, she thanked him before preparing to leave. After the surprise revelation Cordell had given her some space, she didn't want him to go but didn't try to stop him knowing that he needed to take Stella and August home.

At least this way she could finally leave the hospital and see her son again, she hadn't been away from him for this long before so she missed him. The three year old most likely missed her as well, and she hoped that Jessy was taking good care of him.
"It feels so good to have this gown off." she said placing her hospital gown on a nearby chair. Wearing that over her clothes had been uncomfortable and she wanted nothing more than to take a shower, this place smelled of sickness and other bad things. And she had to deal with that all of her life, so she didn't want it anywhere on her body.
"Excuse me," a nurse said walking into her room. Felicia sighed tired of people interrupting her thoughts, it was like the universe didn't want her to leave this place. "There's something you should see."
"What?" Felicia asked.


Jessy kept on locking eyes with Cleo waiting for her to strike. It hadn't taken her long to realize that Asher had followed her. She tried to explain to the toddler that he had to stay but he didn't listen so she added up taking him with her. She placed him in her car, which was actually Felicia's car, but Jessy knew that her girlfriend wouldn't mind. She had taken a ton of old used cars for the homeless shelter and with the help of their friend Richy. He was able to get them back into working condition, now many of the residents had managed to find job interviews or another place to stay.

While the Walkers were willing to help they couldn't keep all those people there, so Jessy and her brother worked to find places for them to go.
"Mommy." Asher said wanting to know where his mother was.
"Don't worry she will be okay. We are going to go see her." Jessy sighed before she started the car. However she had made it about five minutes from the hospital before she saw Cleo standing in the middle of the road. Jessy slammed on the brakes stopping the car and checked on Asher before getting out.
"Cleo what's going on?" Jessy asked opening the car door. Cleo stood silent and stared at the leftover damage from a car, Jessy looked at the scene and figured this is where the accident had happened. "What are you doing?"

"I did what I had to do to get rid of him," Cleo answered. She was a little shaky and Jessy was torn between screaming in her face or getting away. Felicia had told her that Cleo had sent Cordell into a trap hoping to kill him. What she didn't understand was why Cleo would do something like that. "It would finally put an end to our suffering, it was caused by him."
"Cleo you didn't even know him!" Jessy exclaimed. "He came to try and help us, and despite what you may think he loves Felicia," she continued. "And you've allowed your mind to become twisted into thinking you're the only person she needs."

"Loves her?" Cleo asked scoffing and flipping her hair. "You mean like how your brother loves her and wishes that he could be her boyfriend."
"What are you talking about?" Jessy asked. She put her hands behind her back and sighed for Asher to hide thinking that Cleo might try attacking them as well. Asher saw the sign and sunk deep into his car seat, he didn't know what was going on.
"I'm talking about all times Jake has done something for her," Cleo responded with tears running down her face. She reached into her pocket to grab something and to Jessy's horror it was a gun.

"He's always had a crush on her, and I know that you've been seeing Richy behind her back! Cordell is only using her so I'm taking you all away!" Cleo exclaimed. "Its why I've been going after people on the list, I've been helping Avis add to it and thin out the threats." Jessy gasped realizing that Cleo had just confessed to murdering a bunch of people.
"Why would you do that?" Jessy asked.

"Its what Avis told me to do and after that he will finally leave me alone." Cleo responded.
"Cleo what is wrong with you? You've gone psycho!" Jessy yelled back taking out a weapon of her own. Felicia was often the one that carried a pocket knife or small weapons with her due to the amount of men she had beat up in the streets. But Jessy began to carry a knife with her to be prepared.
"Of course I am it runs in my family," Cleo responded. "My uncle has Schizophrenia, we both do so I help him do what he needs to do."

"What..." Jessy was cut off when a large bang rang through the street. She gasped thinking that Cleo may have shot her but sure enough, Cleo was the one who had been shot. The blonde screamed as she saw that her leg was bleeding and dropped to the ground injured.
"You monster!" Cleo screamed as she looked up at her attacker. "I knew that the people were right about you, you're crazy Cordell!"
"Its Walker and I think we've heard enough for you." Cordell responded. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and cuffed her.
"You I thought I got rid of you!" Cleo exclaimed. "No matter I will try again and this time I will get you."

Ashyla Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora