Chapter six

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The doctor was surprised to see Cordell Walker again after all these years, after what happened he tried so hard to disappear.
"Okay I can explain just please don't hurt me!" Doctor Grey begged. Normally he would call security if a man came in here unannounced, but he obviously had no chance against this man. His old legs wouldn't get him far if he tried to run and Cordell could probably take out the security here easily.

Cordell promised that he wouldn't and asked again what had happened that day.
"I brought your daughter back here like I said." he explained.
"Her name was Ashyla." Cordell interrupted. The doctor nodded in an understanding manner.
"I brought Ashyla back here to clean her up and check her vitals," Doctor Grey said. "The nurses helped me clean her off and while I was checking her vitals, something happened." He trailed off as he thought back  to that day pulling himself into a flashback.

"Doctor something is wrong with the lights," a nurse told him. Grey was going to say nothing was wrong but before he could the power in the nursery cut out. The infants all around became frightened not understanding what was going on. "We have to get it back on!" The nurse exclaimed. Grey ran to check the nearby fuse box because no power here was not good, some of these babies were premature. He worked as fast as he could and someone unexpectedly knocked him out with a tray. By the time he woke up the power was back on and there was no sign of whoever hit him. "Are you okay Doctor Grey?" The nurse asked helped him stand up.
"Yes I will be fine but what about the babies?" He asked. The nurse told him that all of the infants were fine but it appeared that one of the beds was empty.

"Hey wait a second?" Doctor Grey asked. "Where's Ashyla?" The nurse became pale in the face and his face hardened. "What happened to her?" The nurse instantly began crying as she explained that because Ashyla had been premature, the power outage killed her. He didn't believe her at first because he never heard a flat line but she showed him proof when she gave him test results for heart failure.

"I told you the truth then sir I don't know what happened," Doctor Grey said. "And after that I moved to the operating room, I just couldn't handle that," he continued. "About seven years after that I went back." Cordell took all this information in and was torn between crying or accusing the doctor of lying but something caught his attention. Ashyla hadn't been premature, she had been born on time, so if Avis had been telling the truth it was likely that someone working for him, posed as the nurse and took her.
"What was that nurse's name?" Cordell asked. He had to know who that lady was because what sick human being could be willing to kidnap a baby for someone else?
"Rosaline I believe she died in a fire about ten years ago," Doctor Grey answered. "She was a nice person until she found out she couldn't have kids."

Cordell recognized the name as Felicia's supposed mother and the timing fit, because he knew for a fact that Rosaline had died in that fire. Realizing this Cordell realized that Felicia was his daughter, why hadn't he seen it before? Another epiphany hit him, Avis had been telling the truth, he had taken her and that son of a bitch forced himself on her. Cordell felt his face go red and his body swelled up with anger he didn't know he could have. "Is everything alright ranger?" Doctor Grey asked. Cordell lessened his anger enough to tell the doctor he was free to go, but after that he had to make a decision.

How was he going to tell Felicia? He hadn't even given the idea a thought because of how disguised she had been. Even when they first met, he didn't recognize her so Avis had been successful in that. She probably didn't even know that she had been taken from the hospital. He could just tell her but how would she react? Would it be too much? Would she hate him for not realizing it sooner and letting her get hurt?
"Oh so many questions so few answers." He said to himself. One of the infants snapped him out of his thoughts by giggling, he turned around and saw a baby girl.

She wasn't doing much just laying down but she reached out for him and laughed. Unsure if the girl was mocking him or not he asked what she she needed. She of course couldn't talk but laughed a third time before turning her head towards the door. Doctor Grey came back and picked her up in his arms.
"There you are little Missy," he said. "I got my first set of twins today, did you know that you can't separate them," he continued. "I also thought it was a myth but you actually can't."
"What do you mean actually?" Cordell asked must needing something to take his mind off all the terrible reactions Felicia could have from the truth.

"Well its hard to explain but I like to think of it as an unbreakable string," Doctor Grey explained. "It can be tangled or knotted up when bad things happen but it can be cut," he continued. "Even if you separate them they will always end finding each other again, it sounds like the plot of a movie," Cordell almost laughed at what he was saying as the words almost matched what was happening with him and Felicia.

"Even if its something really bad? Like a secret?" Cordell asked.
"Well secrets can tear relationships apart but that only happens if you let it," Doctor Grey answered. "At least in my experience, I adopted all of my children when they were young," he continued. "It angered them when I had to tell them the truth, but overtime things between us got easier," he kept going. "And now here I am seeing their own children, but I guess family is like that, even when you hate them, you love them."

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