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(A/N: By the way, feel free to request a prompt or something. It'll help since i'm as uncreative as a rock <3)

Zhongli and Childe were eating at Wanmin Resturant. Childe was struggling to use chopsticks, and Zhongli was trying to teach him how. The chatter was thick with the lust of battle, and when the pair's wits clashed and were won, the sound echoed around the empty hall. Zhongli smiled at the boy's googly eyes and smirk. "You're much too young to learn that skill."

Childe grinned and wiggled the chopsticks in the air. "Give it a try."

"I'm happy to try." Zhongli grabbed a fork from the table and went for a piece of meat. Childe laughed at him.

"You can't handle a fork," the young man announced triumphantly. He snatched Zhongli's fork out of his hand, and bit into the small piece of meat.

"It's okay, you'll get another chance later."

Xiangling walked up to the duo with another plate of food and said , "Let's try something harder."

Xiangling set her fork down and asked Zhongli to slice a carrot. Zhongli began, and Childe looked on with a hungry smile. Zhongli tried not to look taken aback. "You can manage it, and once you learn to take the entire carrot by the point, then we can go ahead with the knives."

"That sounds like fun." Childe tore the piece of carrot in half and began to eat it.

"But don't you have somewhere to be, Zhongli? Do you really have time to be teaching this pathetic Fatui how to use simple utensils?" Xiao asked Zhongli. You see, Xiao doesn't like Childe. The reason? Childe's crush on his sister's friend. Xiao doesn't know that they used to be together, and Zhongli doesn't even know he had a crush on Xiao.

Zhongli's heart sank. "I didn't realize you were waiting for me. I'll do it now."

Xiao frowned. "In front of a student? I didn't bring you along to get any extra hard work, why would I want you to teach this piece of trash?"

"You know that Childe has feelings for me." Zhongli said. "Not even you can deny that."

"We could talk about this after." Xiao said, taking another bite of her fried rice.

Xiangling laughed. "Tell her to find someone who can actually speak before she starts picking her friends."

Zhongli frowned. "But I love Childe. I told you about my dream."

"Dream?" Xiao asked, looking a bit confused.

"My dream." Zhongli repeated. "For us to become rulers. And I think Childe has the same dream."

"This is all just talk. There's no way that will happen. We're too different."

"Do you even know how different we are, Xiao?" Zhongli asked. "Look at us. We're not even brothers, and yet we're best friends. I never thought that my dream could become a reality, and yet here we are."

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