"Detective Work"

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Heizou was just a moment away from solving his greatest mystery yet, one that would definitely up his fame, when suddenly, his hands flew out in front of his face.

A few seconds later, a water geyser erupted from the ground below him.

The ground cracked as it was thrown up.

He quickly landed on his feet, ready to run, but as he went to do so, he felt something grab his ankle, lifting him off the ground.

He froze and waited for the earth to shake again.

But nothing happened.

And as Heizou opened his eyes, he noticed a green, snail - like thing grabbing his arm.

The creature was still attached to his arm when Heizou was flung through the air once more.

The Snail turned to look at Heizou as he rolled onto his back.

A round, red rock in the creature's hands seemed to glow a moment later.

It flew into Heizou's direction, and Heizou saw it before it landed on the ground.

He saw nothing but a spray of blood on the ground.

Then a second flash of light, and another rock landed on the ground.

And then a third.

As the rock landed on the ground, he saw it go through his chest, hitting him.

"I'll cut you up into little bits!" he cried, pointing his sword at Heizou.

"Now I'm gonna make the big pieces so they'll have a reason to keep on coming!

Come on, guys, show me I'm not just a bug!"

Heizou summoned his anemo and landed a punch on the snail.

It tried to fly away but was beaten back.

Heizou raised his sword up and sliced the creature's head in half.

Suddenly, it was five times as big, and four times as tough.

It was dead, killed by a mere nine - year - old boy.

It reanimated again, and tried to ram Heizou, but a bullet fired by Mister Wolf's Wolf (along with a wild punch by Heizou) knocked it off balance.

It flew back into the wall, where the beam extinguished it once and for all.

"Now I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Heizou shouted.

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