"New Phone"

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Venti was drinking at Angel's Share again, even though the traveler had told him not to. His drinking partners today were Kaeya and Rosaria.

They met for drinks at a local watering hole, where they were joined by Adam and Felicia.

"Fucking dolts.

I have the money to get myself a new phone, but not a fucking red dress.

I look like a clown.

And I've been told I look a little pregnant.

How am I supposed to look professional in a red dress?"

"Well, you should go ahead and buy it.

But it's better if you don't use it on the job, okay?

No picking up guys, no striking up conversations with passers - by.

This job is kind of stressful.

You really don't need any more stress right now, do you?"

"Just buy it.

Besides, it'll be years before it's of any use to you.

And after that, when you get older, you'll know how to read, and it'll be like it was never off.Plus, if it's marked with the company logo, I'm guaranteed you won't have any sex on it.You really don't want to have sex with that cell phone, do you?"

"Actually, yeah.

I really don't want to fuck that thing.

Okay, I'll get it.

It's a deal."

It was late when Venti woke up.

The phone was sitting on the nightstand.

He put it to his ear, expecting it to be ringing, but it was just static.


Venti didn't bother to throw on a shirt.

He was more worried about calling in sick.

He knew he couldn't; he was too afraid his new phone would explode in his pocket.

Venti was already having a terrible day, but that had just made it worse.

He threw on some clothes, loaded his gear, grabbed his keys, and made for the elevator.

Venti spent the next hour sitting behind the counter, waiting for customers to walk in.

~Possibly To Be Continued~

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