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One bright, summer day, Klee, the explosive expert of Mondstadt finds a nut. Inside the nut, contains a small creature, called a sapsucker. "It sounds cute and a little feisty," says Klee, "so I carry it around." Klee opens a flowerpot to make room in her hip flask for the sapsucker, but it manages to escape.

Klee was able to capture the sapsucker again, though, in the garden of one of Mondstadt's most illustrious and richest citizens. Klee's report brought the sapsucker's plight to the ears of the town's high priest, who holds a big financial stake in the nut business.

Nuts are big business here, especially the walnut, which everyone takes for granted. These days, it seems, many Americans eat more of the nut than they know.

"I don't see people eating them much anymore," said Klee. "I certainly don't, with all the sapsuckers. But people are pretty savvy with what's good for them."

What's good for us? A little knowledge of nutrition can go a long way. Walnuts are packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, and scientists believe they are beneficial to brain function.The walnut leaf, called Pimpinella cerifera, is actually a seed, in the same family as the pea. With-

A new voice cuts off the priest.

"Maybe it's a good idea to preserve these walnuts." Klee's best friend, Cavalry Captain Kaeya, says. "There is going to be a crisis. You know what a pipsqueak I am."

The Captain is a youthful and earnest ruffian. He and Klee do everything together, going on all sorts of exotic adventures.

The sapsucker, which is about the size of a turkey's egg, is trained to be quiet.

At the sight of Kaeya, the sapsucker makes a squeaking noise, or "pip," and stays quiet. Klee takes the sapsucker, wraps it in a handkerchief and takes it back home.

Pip was a wild baby until Klee brought it into the fold. Pip grew up in an oak tree in the Captain's family garden. The Captain's father, Nathan, grew the walnuts; now, Kaeya and Nathan sell them.

"In those days," Kaeya said, "I would hide there with my sapsucker, and other sapsuckers would come along. You know, the sapsuckers have minds of their own."

Pip belongs to Kaeya and to Klee. Pip is Klee's family. "So I guess Pip's father and mother didn't want the sapsucker." Kaeya said. "I was either born, or blessed to have Pip."

All animals can talk. The honeybees speak in buzzes and it was recently discovered that humans can do it too. I could hear the pipsqueak, but not understand it.

However, the sapsucker talks. What Klee called Pip says, "Stop this circus."

"Now he's saying no more cavorting," said Klee. "So, Kaeya and I talked about other animals that can talk, like dolphins, great apes and mice."

~To Maybe Be Continued~

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