Been a long time

354 18 4

Hello, readers !

It has been a long time, How are y'all?
I don't know if any of y'all still have this book in your reading list and i do not expect someone to even read this.

(I just remembered that i have a wattpad account and i promised to comeback with a new story but a year alredy passed lmao. Not that my writing is that good tho)

I just really wanna update to my readers that are expecting me to write another book again
And thank everyone that read this book, voted, and commented i appreciate y'all :))

I will not write another book again and will permanently logging off from now on.
Even tho my writing is not that good i'll admit, i'm still proud that i've reached 5k reads and a lot of people have enjoyed the story so thank you for reaching this far :)

That's all, i wish yall well and stay safe !! :)



Marahuyo (NingSelle)Where stories live. Discover now