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I know, I know, you guys must be really mad at me right now. I mean, I would be too, if the writer of the book I am reading suddenly just . .stopped updating.

The thing is, these past few months have been quite rough on me. And I know, that this still don't just give me reason to just disappear.

But I just couldn't help it. My mind was just not in right state back then. It still  isn't, to tell you guys truth. I feel like problems after problems are coming from all directions, without any solution. And sometimes, I feel that I am the root of them. I feel lost sometimes, which affects my writing too. That's why, the updates were delayed.

Anyways, thank you soo much, for sticking around enough to actually wait for such a long time for updates, and really really really sorry for making you guys wait.

But I promise you that the from now on, the updates would be more frequent.

Thanks for listening to my rambling with such a patience.

with love

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