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George's pov

I get home and make myself a cup of tea.

I sit on the couch and open my messages with clay.

'This number has blocked you'

A tear falls from my eye, I open Instagram and press his acc.







I feel like my heart just shattered into a million pieces.

I lay down on the couch and shut my eyes to try and sleep to distract myself from reality.

But it doesn't work.

I open my camara roll and scroll through all the pictures of clay and me.

And some of just clay I had secretly taken.

Tears stream from my eyes, I try to pull myself together but I can't.

I can feel his presence spooning me on the couch but he's not there.

Will he come back?

Is he serious?

I feel like I wil never be able to love someone other then him.

He's my soul mate.

I sit up and step outside, I look around waiting for clay to come running to me, but he doesn't.

He's not even fucking here.


It's been a couple months.

4 months.

I still haven't seen him.

I haven't really talked to Wilbur, we work and the same place and don't even talk.

I've completely lost myself without clay.

I walk into work, Wilbur already here stocking shelves.

I walk behind the counter, "George we need to talk" I hear Wilbur say.

"Yeah, sure, about what?" I ask trying to act like I don't know what coming.

"George, you don't even act like we're friends anymore, there's no happy hello or hugs, and I understand that clay leaving is hard but please don't let it affect our friendship, he'll be back one day George, but please, just talk to me" he says.

A tear leaves my eye as I stare at the ground.

"Im so sorry" I whisper, "geo-"

"I've been so caught up on him I haven't even thought about you, rs just, I don't even think he's coming back now, it's been 4 months" I say, Wilbur hugs me tightly, I hug back.

"Im sure he has a reason" I try not to cry as images of him fill my head.

"I just want him to come home" I whisper.

"Have you tried going to his house?" Wilbur asks.

I pull away and look at him.

"I'll cover for you" he smiles.

"Thank you" I answer.


I reach clays house after almost running the whole way.

There's a car in the driveway.

I quickly walk to the door and knock.

A lady opens the door, she has dirty blonde hair like clays.

She looks in her 40s.

"Hello dear, can I help you?" She smiles, "oh, I uh, I was wondering if clay was here?" I ask, "oh no, he doesn't live here anymore, he moved" the woman says.

"Oh, do you know where?" I ask, "I'm sorry, who are you?" She asks, "I'm clays uh... boyfriend" I answer, "oh he talked about you, told us how amazing you were over the phone, he told me to tell you if you turned up the he's sorry" she says, "are you his mum?" I ask, she nods.

"Oh right, do ou know where he is?" I ask, "he moved back to his home, florida" she answers.

My heart drops immediately.

"Did he not tell you?" She asks, "do you think I can come in his for a couple seconds, I actually think I left something here a while back" I lie.

"Yes dear" she steps out of the way to let me in, I step in the house filled many memory's.

"Thank you" I say, I look in the lounge, picturing me and clay kissing on the couch, when he made me breakfast every morning in the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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