Icarus and the miracle strategy

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Our class took first place and Horikita gained

in popularity. Considering her natural poise, she'd probably get through it

just fine. I wanted to avoid getting caught up in the rejoicing, so I went to my

room to rest. As I walked away, I was confronted by a goddess of death yet again.

Hoshinomiya : Goddess of death , that really suits you sae‐chan.

Ike : Hey this is after that time when we won the island exam , right.

YR : Yes it is.

Shinohara : Yeah , Horikita‐san guessed all the leaders name correctly and we won the exam.

Kei : We were having a really good time at the cruise ship but then came the exam and ruined all our moods.

Ssatou : hehe , yeah you're right about that kei‐chan.

Keisei : The exam was really hard but because of horikita's strategy we won it.

Matsushita : ' I doubt that.' Horikita‐san you never told us about how you did it.

This girl. She really likes to bring up these kind of questions.

YR : Don't worry about it . The next video will be about it . The miracle strategy that gave class D the victory.

Matsushita : Oh OK. ' That's really great.'

I guess Matsushita's really happy now.

"May I have a word with you?"

Ike : What did sensei wanted to speak with you ayanokouji.

Kiyotaka : just watch , you'll find it soon.

"I don't really feel sociable. Is it okay if I refuse, Chabashira-sensei?"

Haruka : That's rude kiyopon.

Kiyotaka : Well I was really tired at that time.

"If you really don't want to, I can just start talking here. You don't

mind if we stand outside, do you?"

"It's hot, so please keep it brief."

Hoshinomiya : Sae‐chan really loves to talk with ayanokouji-kun a lot doesn't she .
Hoshinomiya sensei said with a naughty smirk.

I wish that teacher would just shut her mouth.

I had walked to the other side of the ship, so Chabashira-sensei took the

lead. We found a place where there weren't any people around and it was

completely quiet before we started talking.

Ike : Hey , you guys are talking about something in secret.

Chabashira : Shut up , Ike.

"Is it safe to say that for the time being, you're satisfied?" I asked.

"Yes. First, I'd like to say that you did wonderfully. I'm honestly


Shinohara : What do you mean by satisfied for now ?

Ike : And why are you so impressed by him sensei.

Sudou : Yeah what did you do ayanokouji.

Keisei : This video is right after the island exam right , so..

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