Arrow of Love

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Jojo : Now before we start the next video I have an announcement to make.

Ike : What is it ?

Jojo : Nothing much since you all have been sitting like this from the beginning I've decided to change your seats well not everybody's but somepeoples.

Everyone : That doesn’t sound too bad.

Random 1 : I wanna change my seat.

Random 2 : Yeah I'm tired of sitting near this idiot.

Random 3 : Shut up bitch, God plzz change my seat.

And one by one most of them started to raise their opinions.

Jojo : SHUT UP !!!!!


Jojo : Well well calm down now. I said I'm not gonna change everyone's seat remember.

Clap * Clap * Clap *

With that he clapped 3 times and when he did I suddenly got teleported to a new seat.
When I turned to my left I saw kei sitting next to me. She was suprised to see me.

Kei : K‐kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka : I was wondering who might I be sitting with if my seat changed and it seems I got my answer now.

Kei : What ? Do you got any problem sitting near me.

She asked me with a glare.

Kiyotaka : Of course not. Infact I wanted to sit with you.

Hearing it from me made her give a big smile with a small blush.

Kei : I wanted to sit with you too Kiyotaka.

She said in a lower voice enough foe me to hear.

Sato : Kei‐chan don't forget about us. We are also here he~he.

To kei's left was her friends Sato and Matsushita.

Kei : W‐What i‐it's not ‐

Sato : Yeah yeah we get it.

Matsushita was smiling at them. Well she already had a clue about my relationship with kei anyway.

Horikita was seated in front of me and sudo was seated right infront of Horikita. He must have really wanted to sit with her. Members of the Ayanokouji group Akito sat at the seat behind me and the others were seated beside Matsushita. I could also see me that some students were unhappy with the seating arrangement.

Ibuki : I was sitting beside shiina why the heck do I have to sit near this creep.

Ryuuen : Kuku, Don't get so riled up ibuki.

Kamuro : Why am I still sitting with you.

Sakayanagi : Fufu, don't be like that masumi‐san.

Jojo : Well now that it's all over let's get into the show. This is video is right after the double date.

Ike : Double date ??

Jojo : Hirata , Karuizawa and Satou , Ayanokouji went on a double date.

Shinohara : Woah seriously.

Mori : First I'm hearing about it.

CHRISTMAS DAY. Students were on their way back to the dorms from
club activities. It was unlikely that anyone would see me, even a teacher.
There weren’t enough lights on in the building to attract attention.
“It’s cold. They’re not here?” asked Karuizawa.
“They’re late,” I replied.

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