Dragon boy's loss and loli's appearance

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Dio : This video won't be from ayanokouji's perspective but from Horikita suzune's perspective.

Class D : Horikita‐san

Ayanokouji : Ohh, finally.

Horikita : Why me.

Ryueen : Ohh , I wonder what it would be.

Sudou : From Suzune's perspective. That would be nice.

Everyone left the room one by one, and before I knew it, I was the only
person left. I was prepared to respond to Ryuuen-kun. During the sports
festival, he had me dancing in the palm of his hand. By the time I had
realized what was happening, it was too late. With no planned
countermeasures in place, I was thoroughly defeated.
But, somehow, I felt cheerful. I also felt as though I’d been thoroughly
crushed. I understood that I was much, much more pathetic that I’d imagined,
and I felt I needed to thank Ryuuen for teaching me that.

Ryueen : Kuku , you can thank me as much as you want, suzune.

Sudou : Suzune, you're not pathetic.

Mori : What are you talking about Horikita-san.

Horikita : See the video. You'll know soon.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Horikita-san. I got caught up talking with a
friend.” Kushida-san came back in, putting her hands together in an
apologetic gesture.
“It’s fine. We still have a little while before the appointment. Shall we
go?” I asked.
"Yo. So you didn't run away after all, Suzune".
"I'll be damned if I run away here. Of course I'd come".

Shinohara : you were meeting up with Ryuuen.

Satou : Why is Kushida-san there with the both of you.

Sudou : Suzune did he do something to you.

Horikita : Don't worry nothing bad happened.

"Your heart's in the right place. You've become a finer woman than you were

All the girls gave a disgusted expression after hearing that.

I'm not pleased one bit even if he praises me in such a manner.
"But before I talk with you...let's put an end to this farce already, shall we?

Kushida : ' Ohhh Shit Shit Shit. Why is this happening to me.'

"Ehh? Farce? What do you mean by that?".
In the school building bathed in evening light, I stared straight at Kushida-
"I don't really mind you playing the good guy here but that's not what you're
after right? This sports festival. You leaked the information. That's why Class
C was able to pull it off so brilliantly. The fact that I'm here like this now
with Ryuuen-kun is also for that sake...am I wrong?".

Shinohara : I still can't believe that kushida‐san did that.

Mori : Yeah me too. I mean no one expected this from her, right.

"...come on, where did you hear something like that from? Hirata-kun?
"No. These are my own thoughts. I couldn't shake off that sense of unease.
He's the only one here right now. Isn't it about time we confront one
"Confront each other? What do you mean?".
"At the very beginning, I saw you on that bus trying to convince Kouenji-kun
to give up his seat. To be honest with you, I didn't recognize you back then.
But I immediately remembered you afterwards.....".
I looked Kushida-san in the eye. If she is indeed colluding with Ryuuen-kun,
then she'll interfere.
Up until now, she hadn't done so because she didn't see a need to.
"Kushida Kikyo-san. I remembered that a student like you had attended my
'middle school'".
Even she wouldn't be able to keep up her constant smile if I revealed
something like that.
Right in front of my eyes, for the first time, I saw her change expressions.
But that led to yet another smile.

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