How I met him (1)

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Before I met him, we can say a whole lot of things happened. Just like El, I was one of those kids with powers, Seven. We can say I was lucky enough to escape at a really young age, even though I don't remember at all how I did it. I just remember that I met Jonathan Byers in the woods and that he helped me immediately. Joyce never did a single difference between her actual kids and me, let's not talk about Lonnie, asshole.

Some years later, Will disappeared and Eleven appeared out of nowhere. All of this shit happened and Brenner found me again. If El wasn't here, I would have died multiple times. Unfortunately, it didn't stop when Will was found, it became worse every time. At this point, I just wanted one thing, to die because I was so tired of everything. But I wasn't allowed to do that either, they took me back to the lab and they experimented again, trying to see what had changed or what they could do differently. I am so thankful Bob was there to save me but he died doing that, guilt has me since. 

When I thought everything was over, Will began to feel the upside down again, rest wasn't for that day. This time, it was even harder than before because they were more than just a monster. El was hurt on the process, even losing her powers. Hopper died that day too, letting Eleven alone so Joyce took her home. She decided to move out from Hawkins and I didn't know if I thought it was a good idea or not. Before I could decide, I broke out. Everything came back to my mind and I fell into a really deep depression where I just wanted to end it all.

I prepared everything so my family would be okay after my death, I wrote letters to everyone and I went to the cliff where El saved Mike once to be all alone before my death. I was crying alone, sitting there to watch the beautiful view before going home and taking my pills when suddenly...

-Hey, what are you doing here ?

I quickly dried my tears and prepared myself to face a stranger, not recognizing the voice.

-Just admiring the view, like everybody should. Now, can you please let me alone I need to stay by myself.

-Nahh, not gonna happen sorry.

He sat beside me and I decided to confront him. It was before I saw his brown eyes, I couldn't say another thing.

-Eddie Munson, what's your name?


-Wow your parents had specific tastes.

-It's a second name, the other is Y/N.

-Pretty name but Seven rocks, Sev for short.


-Now, will you tell me what you really are doing here.

-It's complicated.

-Well you are really lucky I have a lot of time to listen.

-I don't know you, why should I tell you things. Plus you wouldn't believe me it's a crazy story.

-I have a crazy mind. And you will probably never see me again so you have nothing to lose telling me.

I began telling him everything without forgetting any details. I don't know if he believed me but it was so much relieving to tell someone that didn't know at all. It was dark now so I just had to go home and do what I prepared. 

-Wow, you are right it was crazy. But I believe you.

-Thank you Eddie, but now I have to go home. It was great having someone listening to me.

-No problem. 

I stood and turned my back to him. I didn't want to go, I still wanted to talk with him but mom is probably freaking out right now.

-Oh and Sev, prepare yourself I changed my mind, we are going to see each other again.

-I doubt that. My freak self is probably going to move to another state soon.

-I know I will see you again, freaks understand each other.

-Hum... Thank you ?

-Now I will take you out the woods and prepare our next encounter.

He did so and we separated some streets away from mine. I knew what I had to do now but I can't do it. I am way too curious, I need to see if I see him again now.

How I first loved, an Eddie Munson x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now