How we went on the upside down (10)

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Meanwhile on the other side :

Eddie was terrified when he saw his girlfriend disappeared on the lake, when the others were screamed because they didn't understand what was going on right now. Steve was almost blaming himself for not seeing what was on the lake beside the portal and for not staying in the cold water, maybe he would have been the one stuck if he did.

-We have to go get her, Robin said.

-First we have to find what took her, it seems dangerous how did I miss it, said Steve, while Nancy was pacing back and forth.

Nobody noticed Eddie diving into the lake until they heard the sound of it. Quickly after that, everyone else followed him, knowing he would be ready to face danger to save you and that he might need help, you were their best friend too ! 

Going back to you : 

After hearing this, you knew it was Vecna talking, even worst he seemed like he knew you but how ? After screaming and seeing blood running down your stomach, you tried to find him to see where he was and to prepare yourself if necessary. But you didn't have time, you were thrown on a massive "tree" and you couldn't move, gosh it hurts.

-Finally I can see you again number Seven. It's been a long time. 

-How do you know me ?

-Do you not remember your purpose Seven ? With Eleven, you were the most powerful children at the lab, I did everything so you could escape because I knew I would need you later, as long as Eleven but she betrayed me. It's time to accomplish your destiny.

-Bullshit, human vines.

-Respect me, I saved you. It's time Seven

The vines were becoming more tight and I knew that it wouldn't last long until I suffocate. I don't know how but suddenly it almost disappeared and I lost the sight of Vecna. That's when I heard my friends' voices, they were searching for me, I wanted to scream but I was still struggling with the vines enrolling my throat.


I screamed but tears began to fell because of how hurtful it was.

-Y/N ????

-Steve !! Please help me.

-Guys, I found her ! 

They ran to me and they tried to break the vines, it wasn't working but when Eddie arrived, he quickly came and broke everything in a single minute. I fell and coughed, trying to breathe correctly again. I felt that someone was wrapping their arms around me but I was hurt because of the bats.


-Oh no, Sev where are you hurt, what can I do to help, are you bleeding, do you need anything ?

-Eddie you're not helping, help me get up please.

He helped me and we checked my belly where we could see blood. Nancy took something to cover it up while Eddie was supporting me. When she was over, I thanked her and tried to walk by myself.

-What happened there ?

-I will explain to everyone when we succeed on going outside of this shitty place.

We found a place where I knew we could try to make a contact with the others and after some minutes we finally did. We had to wait before the others make something so we could join them on the other side and I decided to talk with Steve because I saw how to look at each other with Nancy.

-Hey Steve.

-Hey, you okay ?

-Yes, but I need to talk to you about Nancy.


-You should tell her how you feel, I am sure she feels the same way. I love Jonathan, he's my brother but I don't really think he belongs with her. Don't hesitate. 

Just as we finished our little talk, Dustin broke the thing between us and we found a way to go back. They were in Eddie's trailer and I felt a bit better to see a familiar place. They threw Eddie's mattress on the floor so we wouldn't hurt ourself.

-Those stains are... I don't know what those stains are.

-Oh my gosh Eddie are there handcuffs ? How are you using them ?! Robin asked and I saw Steve's look going to Eddie then me, then Eddie, then me, understanding something. I blushed and changed the subject. They let me pass first as I was hurt and then Eddie and Robin came. I sat on the sofa and Eddie sat beside me, putting one of his arm behind me.

It was Nancy's turn and I began to feel really bad, something was off again and I was wondering when I could be alone and relax.

-No, no, no, no, NO ! Guys, we have a problem with Nancy, find music right now !! 

-Oh no !!! Seven come help us search for that. Seven ?

-NO, NO !!! He got her too.

After hearing that, I opened my eyes and found Nancy, terrified some meters away from me. We quickly ran to each other and understood we were in an empty pool, Steve's pool. I understood, he just wanted Nancy, not me but why was I here so ?

-Nancy... Seven...

We tried to escape but we couldn't. I knew he was not going to kill us like he already did three times or he would have trapped us in a smaller place and I wouldn't be here, I would be in the lab. We began to see other things and now I thought that maybe if I hadn't thought of this bloody place, we wouldn't be there. I didn't understand why he was showing us my backstory, it was unnecessary.

After some times with Nancy freaking out, I understood that he was warning us, not trying to kill us, for now. 

-Seven... Don't forget it's almost time to accomplish your purpose.

We saw one last thing before going back to out friends, a children getting tattooed. I thought it was my past but no, it wasn't my number, it was 001. I have to say I have no memories of them.

When we got back to the others, Steve was rubbing Nancy's back and I was sat between Eddie's legs. While trying to slow a little bit my heartbeat, I understood, Vecna and 001 were the same person.

How I first loved, an Eddie Munson x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now