How Eddie is a rock star (12)

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The plan begun and I was supposed to stay with Dustin and Eddie. As soon as Max would be with Vecna, I will go seek after her in order to be sure he doesn't touch her. I talked a bit more with Eleven and I knew she was going to do anything she could to be there too. Dustin and Eddie were going to distract the bats so Robin, Steve and Nancy could go to the Creel's house to kill Vecna. Eddie said he was going to play guitar and I knew it was going to be iconic. 

-Sev I love you. Please be careful.

-I love you too. And of course I will, be careful too.

-Oh, and please, try to listen the track I'll play. This will be yours.

We kissed and I felt like it was the last time it happened but I tried to take that off my mind, everything will be fine. We set up everything and we waited for the signals. Eventually it came and I hid in Eddie's trailer but in the upside down. He set up his guitar and I heard "Seven, this is for you" and I heard the music of the title he was trying so hard to learn for months, he was a freaking rock star and I couldn't wait to tell him.

After some minutes I found Max, panicking on a place I've seen before, I even danced with Dustin there after girls were mean to him, we were at the ball. I couldn't reach her, I wasn't focusing enough. I tried even more when I saw Vecna coming. Max seemed even more terrified but I was like stuck. 

Finally I could go to her and I understood it was because Eleven was here too. We went to Max and we knew there she would be safe now. He came back and we fought again until he caught me.

-Seven, you are betraying me.

-Let me go.

-Let me in your mind, I can make you even more powerful. Together, we could make them all kneel.

-Never you bast-

He tightened his grip and I couldn't breathe anymore. I could hear El trying to make him let me go but it wasn't working. He threw Eleven on the wall and I saw she was unconscious. He finally let me go but I couldn't get up, it was hurting so much. 

I heard muffled sounds and I woke up again with Eddie and Dustin on my side. I coughed multiple times until I really realized what was going on. 

-Fuck it I have to go back there no no no !

-Seven stop you were struggling to breathe, let Eleven do the rest.

-Did you succeed ?

-Yes ! It was so crazy I wish you were able to listen what Eddie did ! Now we just have to be careful because the bats are outside. But normally they won't be able to come inside at all.

-I heard it, a real rockstar.

That's when we saw holes, so a way for the bats to come here. And when the drama happened. They helped me up and with the last energy I had I put the bats that try to come in away from us. I wasn't really succeeding so Dustin went back to Eddie's actual trailer. I did too and Eddie was the last of us that had to come. He seemed hesitant and I had a bad feeling in my gut, what was he thinking about ?!

He cut the rope and removed the mattress.

-Eddie ?!

-I love you, don't forget that.

-NO ! I forbid you to do that Munson. 

-I won't run away this time, I'll give us more time.

I went away and I knew it wasn't going to end well. I immediately jumped even if there was nothing so it wouldn't be rough. It hurt but I ran outside, he was in fact giving more time because the bats were not here anymore. I saw him on a bike and bats were flying super fast behind him. I ran as fast as I could even if bats were also attacking me now, I couldn't care less. 

When I got up, I couldn't see Eddie anymore and that's when I saw him laying on the ground with bats all around him. I screamed from the top of my lungs so they would come here but they didn't, instead they went to the Creel's house, something wasn't working with our plan. 

I drifted off my mind to run again to see Eddie, he was laying on the ground and I could heard my heart breaking every step I took.

-Eddie !!!


-Are you okay ?

-Did you see ? I didn't run away this time.

-Eddie please tell me where you're hurt.

-It's not as horrible as it seems because of you, you helped me  a lot back there badass.

I helped him get up but it was really hard for him. I was crying a lot but I had to be strong to take him to Dustin and go back to one group to help them. Finally I succeeded and Dustin helped me setting him up in his actual trailer.

-Dustin, do you think he will be okay ?

-I am not gonna lie it's really bad, he lost a lot of blood I don't know if he will make it. He was also crying a lot but I really had to go. I sat beside Eddie and kissed him like I never did before.

-It's gonna be okay, Eddie. I love you.

-I love you more Sev, kick their ass for me.

He coughed and my heart broke again, unfortunately I couldn't do anything. I knew I couldn't go back to Max, I hadn't enough energy yet. I decided to run to Creel's house. They were throwing fire at Vecna that went through the window. He wasn't dead, it was for sure. I took some steps back but he still saw me. One of his claw was pointing at me and I didn't have time enough to see that something was coming at me. I just heard Nancy yelling after me before everything went black.

SUPER IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE : okay so here we are, the next chapter will be the last. I couldn't decide if I wanted a sad or a happy ending so I decided to do both so you could decide ! The first one called "How we lived after" is the happy ending and the second one called "How we all had to mourn" is the sad ending. I personally prefered the sad one, but let me know at the end of the story what you think !

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