How we lived after (epilogue 1)

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It hurt like hell when I tried to wake up. I didn't know what happened but all I could see was really bright so it also hurt my eyes. I tried to adjust but all I could think about was everything I felt and all the questions I had in my mind. When I tried to move I felt hands on my arms, I tried to look and saw it was mom with little tears in her eyes.

-Hey baby.

-Mom... Where am I ?

-Hospital, you were badly hurt.

-What happened ? What were you doing in Alaska ?

She explained her side of the story and I was in shock to discover Hopper was still alive but I also thought it was so relieving after all the guilt I had felt for Eleven. I smiled a bit a my mum but even that was hurting. I asked where the others were and she said they were all fine at home because we were the night, they were probably sleeping right now. She had a sad expression and I knew it wasn't only because I was in this bed.

-I'm not the only one here am I ?

-No... Max is here, she'll probably never be able to walk and see again, but the doctors are positive about her waking up. And the boy you told me about is here too. Don't worry he is fine, he will go out of here in two days. They cleared his name after Jason was found trying to suicide near his new victim Max, they said he was a common thing on every murderer and that he even tried to kill Eddie.

-I want to see him.

-In two days, for the moment he has to stay still but he told me as soon as he can he will stay here 24/7. I think he really loves you Y/N. And I will stay here in Hawkins again but after graduation you come to California with us, you need rest from all of that.

-Of course I will.

She kissed my head and I said to her to go home to sleep a bit, I think I am not the only one that needs rest after all the recent events. She nodded and headed home.

Two days later, everyone came to see me except Eddie, he had to wait until today to get up and I couldn't wait to see him. My friends told me they would come later today so I could be alone with him and I was glad they decided to do that. I didn't know when he would arrive but I thought time was super duper long before he is here. Until I heard a knock.


-Hi Eddie, how are you ?

-Much better, I lost a lot of blood back there but fortunately they could fix me. And you ?

-Exhausted, apparently Vecna threw something at me that did a hole in my stomack. I had surgeries but now I am fine, just waiting to go home.

He came to sit next to me and I immediately threw myself at him, even if it was hurting. I needed to be in my safe place again and when I felt how he was holding me, I could say he was thinking the same thing.

-Eddie, I am so sorry I dragged you into this, I was sure it would be over.

-Hey, hey Sev it's okay. I could've run away and I didn't. I chose to stay with you and Dustin and the others I met that I can now count like friends. I love you so much and if I had to do it again, I would without even having to think about it.

-I love you too.

With that he finally kissed me, after asking if he could like always. The days between his visit and my come back home, everyone came everyday. Max woke up and was able to see again, even if she would need glasses by now. I apologized to her, I felt a bit guilty about what happened to her but she almost screamed at me for thinking that. We all got out of the hospital and got back to school one week later, trying to finish our year with success. It was hard for Eddie, even if his name was cleared it wasn't something the others students would forget soon.

Some months later :

We did it. We graduated. Eddie did too and he, of course, celebrated like he said he would, giving the middle finger to everyone. He also proposed to me like he promised me. I said yes but we knew we won't get married anytime soon, it was more like a promise ring. When I said I was moving to California with my family, he said he would of course come with me. He did and we took a little flat just next to mom's house.

I knew I wanted to go to college and Eddie not. After the complicated months we had, we decided to do a road trip, like we said we would and that he would find a job and I would go to college after that.

This road trip was absolutely magical and we saw so many things. We respected what we said, Eddie found a permanent job in a music industry and he couldn't be more happy. I am now going to college only 15 minutes away from home and I still have a little job in a shop for the nights and week ends. We knew the next years would be hard but we also knew we were ready for the next steps of our life even if we were still pretty young.

Here we were now, Eddie happier than ever and me on the last year of college. All of our friends were happy in their life. I was sitting on the rooftop waiting for Eddie to come back home.

-Hey future Mrs. Munson.

-Gosh Eddie it's in one year !

-I know and I can't wait to marry you.

He sat near me and took my hand in his. I put my head on his shoulder and we watched the sun getting down in it's beauticul colours. Finally, everything was fine in this world, even more in mine. And I couldn't wait for the rest of this adventure.

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