How we all had to mourn (epilogue 2)

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It had been some weeks since eveything happened with the upside down and Vecna and we didn't even know if it was over or not. It had been tough days since we all had to mourn when we didn't expect that to happen at all. Everyone was crying and some were too sad to even talk about it.

Today, they decided to put some flowers on the grave. They put it but one was left alone, feeling more sad than ever before. They tapped the shoulders and there he was now all alone before his lover's grave. It was the first time he could go there, it was too much unbelievable before that. He didn't even go to the funeral.

Eddie Munson had been lonely his entire life but oh lord how he loved Seven, his Sev. He had so much things to tell her so he sat down with some sunflowers, her favorite ones.

-Hi Sev.

He was still expecting your beautiful voice to say hi back even if this time it wouldn't happen. He didn't really know how to say everything he had on his heart so he just began by how you ended up there.

-I hope it didn't hurt. I don't know if you felt it but Vecna did that, after he understood you were not with him but against him he threw something at you, it went into your stomach and when you arrived at the hospital it was already too late, you had lost too much blood. I am so sorry I couldn't be there with you during this moment but I was hurt too and they were still searching for me. Now, it's over they cleared my name because of Jason's death, they thought it was a suicide because he commited everything and felt guilty. But to be honest freedom hasn't the same taste without you, I really thought we would be able to graduate and do a roadtrip together.

He paused because he could feel some tears forming in his eyes, even though he wasn't the type of person to let it go so easily.

-I'm sorry I didn't come to the funeral. Well actually I was there but just watching in the distance. Joyce, your mom was devastated and Will had to have people helping him walk, you really were his everything. It was too much to see everyone crying and talking about how a wonderful person you were. Were sounds fake to me, why can't they say are ? You ARE a wonderful person Sev and even if you're... Not there anymore you're still wonderful you know ? You are the most badass I've never seen, you are strong, caring, lovely, beautiful, funny. I love you Sev. You really saved me from my dark self and I wish we could still be two laughing about how everything went these past few months. I promise you I'll be okay, I'll graduate for both of us and then I'll do a roadtrip to see every places you told me you were dreaming about.

Just when he finished, he saw someone coming from the distance, it was Joyce with Will. He tried to talk to them a few times but he didn't feel like it was his place to be with her family. He was ready to go but Joyce put her hand on his forearm while Will just sat behind the grave and put his head on it.

-Please Eddie, stay.

-I don't want to disturb you and Will Mrs. Byers.

-You won't, she really loved you you know.

-I love her too, she really helped me through everything in my life.

-I know... You should come to our house to eat some dinner, you must be really hungry.

-Oh no I can't ask you to feed me Mrs. I'll just go home.

-Please Eddie, you were the one she saw the most lately, I think we all need to hear how happy she was during the time I ran away. And please call me Joyce.

Eddie got home with them and they all talked about how she was, is incredible. Jonathan was feeling so guilty he didn't take interest on what you said on the phone when you called him. Will was feeling down considering you were one of the only to understand his feelings and protecting him from your father. Joyce is simply crushed, she never thought she would lose when of her children after everything happened with her family.

Even if he wasn't officially a part of the family, they would help each other heal. Eddie's uncle and Joyce would cheer Eddie for his graduation like he was their own child, they would both help him going on a roadtrip for you. They even paid him the little tattoo he did for you on his arm.

Eventually, they healed and they still went to put flowers for you every week and every time they needed to. And they continued to live their life with you on their hearts and near their thoughts everytime.

How I first loved, an Eddie Munson x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now