How I fell in love again (11)

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-Hey, hey... You guys are okay ? 

-Nancy do you feel like you can tell exactly what he said and showed us ?

-Yes, I- I think I can.

-Good, I need to try to contact Eleven.

Eddie tried to follow me but I slammed the door in his face, I could feel something was watching us and I was sure it was her. I sat and tried to focus as much as I could with all the noise I was hearing. Eventually I succeeded and my eyes landed on her.

-Eleven ?

-Seven ? Oh I am so happy to see you.

We hugged and I took her face in the palms of my hands, she had her hair buzzed again and I could see she had been through serious stuff again. 

-Papa is dead. He helped me get my powers back and he showed me the past, about one of us. 

-I know, Vecna is 001.

-Vecna ?

-The name we give him. Wait... What do you mean the truth ? 

-He wanted us to help him accomplish his project. This is why he helped you escape, he tried to do the same with me but I didn't obey.  I sent him in the upside down I didn't even remember it, he killed all the others. He wants to kill me even if I helped him without wanting it. And now, he is searching for you, he knows you could help him because you are more powerful and more loyal than me, well that's what he is thinking.

-Oh no... Hey, everything is going to be fine, I won't let him do that okay ?

-I know... Is everyone ok on your side ?

-I think so, I can't wait for you to meet Eddie he is incredible. And on your side ?

-We are with Jonathan and his weird friend. I think we are okay but Will seems a bit sad for the moment I don't know why it's been complicated to talk to him recently.

-Oh... Please make sure he's safe.

-Of course. I have to go Seven we have a lot of things to do here.

-Ok, feel free to contact me whenever you need it.

She nodded and we hugged one more time before I came back to the room I was in. I cleaned my bloody nose and went to the others arguing.

-What's happening here ?

-Max wants to sacrifice herself for the plan.

-What ? No ! I want him to think he can have me but it won't work because you guys will be there.

-Guys I don't think we have a choice. Plus I will be there with her all the time.

-Excuse me no you're not.

-I am and nobody can change my mind. Listen, he is after me. 

-What do you mean ? 

-He is 001 and... he killed every subjects of the lab except Elf and me. He wanted us to escape and I did, El no she sent him in the upside down but since that, he thinks I can help him now because I am loyal or something like that. I will go with her because I think he could trust me and it could help you if you want to kill him while he is trying to take Max.

They nodded and we made the plan, it had multiple steps and I really hoped everything could go well. We needed to go to some military shop to buy the things we could need for our plan. I laughed out loud when Eddie had to wear Myer's mask to go steal the van we were going to drive.

-What ? You don't like the mask ? I thought we could use it next time we are alone.

-You're an idiot, Munson.

-Your idiot.

We kissed but Steve interrupted us because we really needed to go. He put the mask back and we went in the van. Eddie started it and Steve drove it. We arrived there and I went with them. Unfortunately after some minutes, I saw Jason's band also doing their shopping, it couldn't be good. I tried to hide but it was too late.

-Oh my god Y/N, you are safe ! 

-Jason ?

-Don't worry you're safe now we are going to help you. I'll take you home you tell me where he is and we take care of it. 

-I don't need help thanks.

-We know he kidnapped you Y/N, let me help. He also killed Chrissy and Patrick. He is a freak.

-He is not a freak and if you don't let me go I swear on my life that you will suffer more than you ever did. 

He let go and the group was waiting for me. We ran to the van and we drove to a place where we could prepare things. Dustin and Eddie were playing together and I smiled while watching this, they had such a great bond ! After some times Dustin went to speak with Steve and Eddie was nowhere to be seen. But after a while of searching, I felt two arms carrying me up. I laughed and he put me down.

-This place is so peaceful, far from anyone.

-I know. And you know what Sev ? When we graduate, I'll buy a place like this and build a house, for us.

-Really ?

-Don't look so ironic. But you would have to support the mess, the guitar rehearsal, the dnd mess everywhere and things like that.

-I think I can go through that. 

-And when we have our twins, I will be able to make a new music band and formed the legacy.

-Wow, twins ?

-Yes a boy and a girl, imagine how they will look like you and be... perfect. But before that, I will marry you. We clean my name and after graduation we take our van and do a road trip to Las Vegas to be married by Elvis. OH ! I forgot, with our kids, we will do a road trip with a brand new van to see all the dates of Metallica's tour.

-It seems like it's such a good program.

-You think so ?

-Yeah. I love you Eddie, you saved me in every way a person can be saved. I think I will never thank you enough for all of that.

He kissed me and once again, like every time the butterflies were arriving, I fell in love even more with Edward Munson.

How I first loved, an Eddie Munson x reader storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें