How we all understood (5)

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No, it couldn't be true, please... I just wanted to lay down and cry until I was dry but I had to speak to the others. Oh no, Mike went to California today what can I do, El will be busy all the time ! Ok Seven calm down it can't be that. Maybe some creepy really wanted to break all of Chrissy's bones and let her there. But if it's that, where is Eddie ??? I began to hyperventilate I sat where I was and waited for a few seconds. 

After that, I went to Nancy at the school diary office to see what she thought. I arrived there and everyone was so tense about the dead body, not knowing who it was for the moment. Someone told me she wasn't here anymore and that she was on the crime scene with some boy that I already forgot about. I was thinking to go see Max but she was still feeling bad I couldn't put that on her shoulders. I was still on the office when someone turn the TV on. They were talking about the murder and they finally said who was the victim. All eyes landed on me when they said the suspect disappeared and was named Eddie Munson, fuck it.

I began to run to see where Dustin was. Who could I ask ? Mike is in California and Lucas is probably with Jason that just lost his girlfriend. I had no choice so I went to Max. I was driving like crazy but really I didn't care about having a ticket right now. i finally arrived after what seemed like eternity, finally a bit luck Dustin was there too.

-Oh god Y/N did you see what happened ?

-Of course, why do you think I am here ?! Sorry I'm just really stressed out now. He couldn't do that but... where is he ?

-Max thinks it could be something else than a human being.

So I wasn't the only one thinking that... I began to walk everywhere until Dustin made me sit down on the sofa. I bursted into tears, the stress was finally getting out of my brain and I couldn't stop. They just let me with one hand on my shoulders each but after five minutes I stopped.

-We have to find him.

-Couldn't you just do your thing where you can watch people like Eleven ?

-No I think it's not working anymore I tried some days ago with someone. Plus, I am really exhausted, it's not safe.

-Ok, it's ok. Do you have any idea where he could be ? Or a name of someone that has a house where he could hide ?

-I already heard about a guy name Rick but I don't know at all. Plus I only have his name, how can we find him ?

-Oh yeah, Rick sells him drugs.

-Excuse me what ?

-We will talk about that later come on.

We went in the car and we drove to Steve and Robin at work. It was a day off for me but Dustin thought we could ask Steve if he knew him. We arrived there and he didn't know, not knowing now what to do...

-Maybe we should ask the police, if this Rick really is a dealer they know about him.

-Steve, are you dumb or stupid ?

-Hey Seven can you please not get angry ? It's not our fault if Eddie is there now.

-Okay we all need to calm down.

Max now has the idea of looking in the computer with the clients and their address. After some tries, we found someone that could be him so we went there. At this point, I didn't know if I would be happy or not to see him. The others went before me, I needed some time in the car alone. When I could finally sighed I heard some cries and it was Steve. I ran there and saw Eddie blocking him, thinking we would be there to take him to the police. 

-Eddie, let him go.


-I won't say it a third time, YOU. LET. GO.

Nothing. Now, it was too much. My hand began to tremble and I screamed at him, throwing him on what seemed to be like a boat. God I shouldn't have done that after all we did before. I fell on the floor and just wanted to close my eyes, not hearing anything but a high sound. I just felt arms taking me by the armpits. 

-Ok Seven, ok calm down.

-Thank you Robin, I need a tissue please.

She gave me one and I cleaned my bloody nose. It seemed like everybody was finally able to listen and talk normally. Eddie was looking at me but I couldn't tell the emotion in his gaze. I didn't really care for the moment. They explained everything to him and he even almost cried but I just tried to rest a little bit for what will happen next. 

After twenty minutes, they finally finished and I finally began to feel a little bit better. The others were talking and Eddie walked to me.

-Hey, can we talk please ?

He helped me getting up and I nodded to the others. We needed to be really careful so no one would see him. I needed help to walk and he helped me sit too. Not once I looked him in the eyes. It was silent until he finally opened his mouth.

-I didn't do it Sev.

-I know.

-So why do you seem so angry ?

-Because I thought we were honest to each other ?

-What ?

-First, why were you at OUR spot with Chrissy at lunch when you said you couldn't see me and don't play like it's not true because I wanted to eat there and I saw you two laughing together. Second, I've just learned from a boy that you were buying drugs and third why did she go with you at home ?!

-Waw... Hum... I have to tell you that I am sort of a dealer so I sell too. I do that to spare money. And Chrissy has... had anxiety problems and she wanted drugs for that, it's not the first time she asked me. 

-Ok, I just don't understand why you didn't trust me for that after I told you everything.

-You didn't, I know you said things but that it was way worse after what I heard.

-Oh excuse me I didn't know I needed to tell you everything about my traumas. I don't think you understand what is going on right now.

-No I don't and I am fucking scared. It was already frightening when you told me but now we will live it, it's not the same.

-You're not alone Eddie, I promise I will do everything I need to do to protect you.

-Really ? 

-Of course, it's not my first time here.

-And please forgive me, I didn't mean to hide things from you. Sorry.

-It's okay.

He got up and I wanted to hug him but I had difficulties getting up. He helped me and I threw myself in his arms, finally relaxing from today.

How I first loved, an Eddie Munson x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now