16: Awkward

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"Hey Sofia!" Yunki shouted, having a big smile on his face.

He jumped and waved and I giggled at his cuteness. I ran to him and hugged him. When I pulled from the hug, he kissed me. I was so happy and shy. I twirled my hair after that.

"I love you Sofia," he said smiling, and I smiled too, looking like an idiot. 

"I love you too Yunki," I said, then we kissed again. 

"Sofia?" he said.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Sofia," he said again.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Wake up. Are you okay?" He asked.

My eyes snapped open and I could not see anything. I was somewhere with Yunki. Oh no no no, I should have left his place a long time ago. Grandma must be thinking I am lost. I got of Yunki's bed and quickly dialed my grandma, and she quickly accepted the call.

"Sofia! Where are you! I have been looking for you. I called your mom, your dad, your uncles and all your relatives?!" she yelled from the phone.

"I am okay grandma. I am having a sleepover with my friend," I replied back to her.

"Friend? You mean that Yunki boy from your university?" She asked.

"Yeah!" I said.

"You are sleeping with a hormonal boy!" she yelled from the phone. 

"Hey grandma, it is okay. He is a good guy, and I trust him. He was the one who helped me get past those jerks," I said while looking at Yunki. He smiled. 

"Okay. But let me talk to him, in private," my grandma said and I gave the phone to him. He left his room and left me alone.  


He came back and gave the phone to me, and we lied on the bed, and his eyes were closed so I must have thought he was asleep. I looked at his fluffy hair which was on his pale skin, covering his eyes,

"Do not stare at me like that, you freak," he said and I giggled, and opened his eyes smiling at me.

"I am... sorry for staring at you like that," I said between giggles.

"Good, now sleep," he said and closed his eyes once again. I turned around and closed my eyes too, trying to sleep. 


I was on my phone, well I could not sleep. And I can stay up late, since today is a Saturday. I was on Instagram looking at Kylie Jenner's pictures. 



Why is she always so good.

I sighed and I continued scrolling, but then my breathing stopped. Yunki just grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I thought he was awake and trying to rape me at first but then I realised he was sleeping while wrapping his arms around me.

I got calmer a few minutes later and slept. 


I opened my eyes slowly, and looked at our position. I was on him, and how is he... still sleeping? Nevermind, his arms are still around me and I have got to pee like stat! 

I tried moving off the bed but his grip tightened. I blushed, because it kind of seems like those dirty scenarios I make up in my head which are about Yunki and I are actually coming true. I shook him and he woke up, then his eyes widened when he saw our position.

"I am so sorry Sofia! I did not mean to do that. I... I am really sorry. If you do not want to be touched, I will not touch you. Oops! What did I just say," He said, quickly letting go off me, then slapping his hand on his mouth with wide eyes.

"Uh... I am sure you did not mean to say that. And um... where is the... bathroom?" I asked his kind of feeling shy.

He went red and said, "Oh the bathroom, it is there."

I nodded, an walked quickly away from there. Oh, what have I done to you Yunki. 

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