23: A Murderer

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"HYUNG!" Jungkook cried.

The others arrived at the scene. Their attention was drawn to Jungkook's neck. 

Jungkook was looking at Yunki with tears pouring out of his eyes, standing on a puddle of blood.

Yunki looked at his hand and saw blood slowly oozing out. He groaned.Then he saw everyone looking at Jungkook's neck and Jimin saw the bloody knife in Yunki's hands.

Before he could react, Jungkook collapsed. Everyone, excluding Yunki ran towards him and tried to help him.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung screamed, trying to stop the blood but it kept pouring even on his clothes.

"Please don't die on me Jungkook," Taehyung cried while hugging him, gently.

"Hyung," Jungkook said in a raspy voice.

"Please stop crying, I want to sleep," Jungkook said.

"No Jungkook, No! Don't you dare close your eyes. Someone call 119!" Hoseok shouted.

Namjoon who had left the room came back with a white towel and said," It's okay guys, it's not a deep cut. We will take care of it."

Namjoon sat beside Jungkook and added pressure on his neck using the towel. They were all sobbing when they heard Jungkook screaming except for Namjoon and Yunki.

Jimin realized that he should tell them about the knife, "Guys, Yunki was the one who did this to Jungkook!"

Everyone was frozen. All eyes were looking at Yunki. Yoongi stood up and chuckled darkly and said," You did not do that, did you?"

No response.

"Yunki did you?!" Yoongi said a little louder.

Yunki avoided eye contact and stood quiet.

"I cannot belive you! These aren't just your dongsaengs, Yunki. They are all mine including you, so you just cannot do that to them!" Jin spoke.

"I can and I know it," Yunki muttered but Yoongi heard it. 

If you could look close enough, you would see his eyes turn darker. Yunki walked towards Jin and was about to throw a fist at him, but in a second Yoongi had already knocked Yunki out with one punch.

"Why did you do that?" Jin asked Yoongi.

"Believe me if I left him alone, this place would look and smell like a slaughterhouse. He could have killed us all if he wanted to. And by the looks of it, he was about to murder you," Yoongi said darkly, and that sent shivers down his spine.

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