24: Trouble

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Yunki's POV

It was dark, just dark. I hated the dark. The only things I heard was my breath and my heart, beating. I stood up and looked for a light switch but I could not find it, but I found the door. Maybe I could go for a walk. So that's what I did.

Time Skip

I got some fresh air and then I asked myself, "Why was I on the ground sleeping?" I brushed it off and continued walking. While I was walking, I heard footsteps, so I stopped walking and looked around.


I continued walking but I heard it again and I heard voices. I looked again and there was nobody. I panicked and thought I was going insane, until I saw something more like someone walking towards me. I took a step back looking at what they were going to do, and they walked faster towards me.

Thats when I knew trouble was coming, so I began running. I didn't even have to look back to realise they were running after me and they were six of them. 

Suddenly, I felt something on my leg as if it was ripping my leg apart. I collapsed and saw a bullet on my leg. My eyes widened, before I could stand up, I found myself losing consciousness.


I opened my eyes and saw girls, more like young women, lying on the ground, sleeping.

'What the...' I thought, but then I remember the flashbacks of last night, after I gained consciousness. My tears rolled down my cheeks. 

"They touched me. They--"

I got cut off by the door literally getting ripped open! 

The police! 

The girls who raped me woke up and their face were like as if they were in a horror movie. The police cuffed them up and put them in their car. 

A policeman came up to me and said,"What happened."

And I slowly told him and after that, I sobbed. He told me to go with him to help me with my wound. 

I accepted that offer.


"Guys, have you seen Yunki? I cannot see him anywhere. Aish! I am getting worried for that boy!" Jin says.

"Hyung, I can see Yunki hyung on the news!" Jungkook exclaimed, while pointing at the tv screen.

Jin's head turned 180 degrees and stared at the tv.

What they saw on the tv was Yunki, running away from many fangirls and even some fanboys. Then he fainted and dropped on the ground. 

They gasped.

The police surrounded him and took him in their car and drove him to a hospital.


Yoongi could not believe what he saw. Even though he was mad at him for what he did the previous night, he never wanted to see that.

"Guys let's go to the hospital," Yoongi said, standing up.

"Do you even know where the hospital is?" Namjoon asked.

"They might have gone to the closest one," Hoseok said, and Yoongi nodded.

"Let's go save Yunki hyung," Jimin said and they all nodded and drove there, not knowing there will be a suprise waiting for them.

I wrote 500 words in just 45 minutes! I hope you like it and I'll update soon, okay? Thank you guys for reading this chapter.

Love from,


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