Chapter One

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Growing up in Seabrook, a town where everyone is perfect from the clothes that we wear to how we act with others but things took a turn when a mysterious life source mixed with a bit of lime soda gave us... zombies. But that happened a few years ago now and well I thought that was the rest of that until a couple of years ago when I was a little girl and when my parents use to take me camping in the nearby forest.

We don't do it anymore though as my parents thought I was going a bit crazy being in the forest so many times; which doesn't make any sense but here we are. Before I tell you the story let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Riley Hart, I'm currently 16 years old and I like to sneak into the now forbidden forest to meet my childhood were-friend.

Many years ago when I was around the age of 8, I and my parents went on our annual camping trip into the forest... before the government made it forbidden after some hikers announced they saw wild beasts living in the forest but what do they expect, it's a forest.

8 years ago - age 8
My parents and I are on our camping trip, it happens at least once a month, sometimes twice if my dad is having trouble at work; he works for the mayor of Seabrook and dad says she's not the easiest person to work with. We arrived at our usual camping area and mom and dad started setting up our tents and our other bits, normally my parents allow me to wander off but not too far from the camp area which I agreed to even though I wasn't afraid of the forest, it calms me actually, makes me feel like I'm at home in a way.

I'm currently walking around the area that surrounded the camping grounds; there were a few camping grounds in the area. As I walked around the area I found a small whiteish rectangle with some sort of material attached to it, I bent down and picked it up brushing off any loose dirt. I heard the leaves from a nearby bush start to rustle, but there isn't even a breeze "hello?" I said stepping closer to the bush and pushing my glasses back up my nose.

"Hello" a voice answered from behind the bush, they sound around my age.

"Hi, I'm Riley. What's your name?" I asked but did not get a response "you don't need to be afraid, I'm nice" I smiled, they most probably couldn't see it.

Soon enough there was more movement coming from the bush before a head poked out the top, a boy with brown hair with a white bit in front and brown eyes "what are you doing out here?" He asked.

"I and my parents are camping out here" I answered with another smile feeling like I could trust him.

The boy looked down at me until he lifted his hand and pointed to my hand "that white rectangle you found, it's mine, I dropped it" the boy said stepping out from the bush and closer to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I apologised handing him the rectangle "what's your name?" I asked.

The boy stared at me for a brief second "it's Wyatt" he answered "you can't tell anyone that you saw me, I could get into trouble" he said.

"I won't tell a soul," I told him with a smile hoping he would smile back but he just turned and started running away deeper into the forest, I wonder why he told me not to tell anyone about him.

Every time I went camping I would wander into the forest to see if I would see Wyatt again and to my surprise, we would find each other over the next few visits we became friends and I found out that he lived in the forest with his very large family including his twin sister and many cousins, every time we would meet we would climb tree's together and throw pebbles into the nearby stream but there was something about Wyatt that I was dying to know but every time I asked he would just ignore the question or change the subject altogether. 'Why do you live in the forest?' It's a bit strange to ask me but eventually, I stopped after a few times.

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