Zombies 3 - Chapter Fourteen

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Hi there, welcome back to Seabrook and well werewolves have become part of our somewhat perfect community and they even get to graduate with us this year but of course, there's also the next big step, college. Everyone wants to get into mountain college but obviously, there's the stupid 'no monsters allowed' thing still going on while everything at Seabrook you get to go wherever you want if you're a zombie or a werewolf like even Wynter has joined the football team with Zed and a bunch of other wolves and honestly, I'm really proud of Wynter, she's like a sister to me now.

After being welcomed into the pack and being able to live in the den with the other wolves has been amazing, I thought that now I'm a wolf myself I would have been treated differently but I haven't and other wolves have joined the cheer team with me and everyone is getting along like a massive family, but Bucky is still being Bucky, his spoiled brat self but the acey's have changed a lot and we actually get along, we hang out sometimes and just chat about cheer and whatever is on my minds.

And what's even more amazing than being friends with the acey's is that mine and Wyatt's relationship has been incredible, I have to admit. For my first relationship, there haven't been any arguments or small breakups over the little things which kind of surprised me a little bit but we're still going strong.

But anyway, back to college, if our football team win the championship today then hopefully all monsters will be able to get into college and everyone's been rotting for Zed to win this game for all of us and I have high hope for him as he's never let us down, he's the best football player I've ever seen. It's weird to think that we'll be going off to college soon and there is a chance that monsters won't be allowed to go but I know Zed will do his absolute best to get us there.

Currently, the cheer squad is having a bit of a cheer for the team as they practice, Addison thought that if we cheered for them as they practised, as she thought they would practice harder, but I don't know if that's how it works, but what do I know? Suddenly the whistle was blown, and a countdown began alerting me to quickly get into position; I'm no longer a cheerleader in who stays on the ground, I'm finally a flyer like Bree. I panicked slightly but managed to start the routine without any mistakes.


We are the Mighty Shrimp
We wanna hear you shout

From the left and from the right
Turn up the volume now

We wanna lift you high
You'll never feel the ground

We'll get you up, we'll never stop
This is our hometown

We are the Mighty Shrimp
We wanna hear you shout

From the left and from the right
Turn up the volume now

We are the Mighty Shrimp
It's time to show you now

We got the stuff to light you up
It's getting hotter now

We're getting hotter now
It's getting hotter now


The cheer squad split after we finished our small cheer for the football team, but the friend group stuck together as Zed came over to us "hi" he smiled at Addison, there was no way anything will break them up anytime soon.

"You guys, tonight is our last chance to cheer at the football game," Bree said with her arm around Bonzo and his arm around her "I know, I wish we could be cheerleaders forever too, maybe we can flunk science so high school never ends"

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