Chapter Ten

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We made our way out of the power plant still smiling and cheering, Wyatt had his arm around me and I had mine around him as we walked together with the pack, I saw Addison and Bree walking side by side as they walked in front of us but more to the side. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a certain green-haired zombie running towards the two girls.

Zed slowed his running pace to a walk as he came up next to Addison as they began to walk with each other like their fight never happened, I saw them slow down even more as they came to a stop with Zed stopping to face Addison, we stopped a little away from them but I could just about hear what they were saying "I'm gonna lose the election who I mean I can't take you to prawn" he said with a sigh.

"That's ok, Zed" Addison smiled "we cannot go to the prawn together" she playfully punch Zed in the shoulder.

Zed gave me and the wolves a glance before he started digging for something in his jeans pocket, he pulled his hand out and gave something to Addison. Addison quickly turned to us smiling like crazy "he found it!" She squealed.

"Found what?" I asked Wyatt.

"Addison lost the moonstone Willa gave her" he explained.

I gave a nod but when I looked back at the couple Zed looked upset "I took it" Zed admitted "I stole it when you weren't looking"

"I thought I lost it," Addison said in disbelief "I questioned myself"

"Addison I'm sorry, I was afraid that if you become a werewolf I'd lose you" Zed explained with pure hurt in his eyes.

"You don't get to make that choice for me" she snapped

"But a werewolf?"

"I finally found where I belong and you try to steal that from me" she paused "why would I ever go to prawn with you after what you did?" She questioned taking a step away from Zed.

I slipped myself away from Wyatt and quickly made my way over to the small group "Addi"

Addison started walking away from us but stopped only a few feet away where she shook her head before bringing the necklace up to her neck where she tied it, Addison let her arms fall to her sides but she quickly turned towards me and Bree with her hands up by her face like she had claws "am I?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

Bree took a step closer to her "you're beautiful, Addi" Bree said taking one of Addison's hands "but the same beautiful that you've always been"

Addison's shoulders dropped as the look of disappointment took over the smile that was just there, Addison gave the wolves a slight glance before reaching to the back of her neck where she unhooked the necklace and pulled it away, she gave it one last look before handing it over to me "give it back to the wolves, I hope they find who they're looking for" she gave me a quick half smile as she placing it into my hands.

One of the worker's panicked voices caught our attention, we looked in their direction "oh my gosh, boss, boss!" The worker hurried to Zed's dad "the remote shorted out!" He panicked.

"Well shut it down!" Zed's dad ordered.

"I can't!" The worker tried over and over again many times to shut it down but the timer continued.

Zed's dad started sprinting towards the power plant with the other workmen saying 'no' repetitively, I gave the pack a quick worried look before I started running after them, the pack and my friend followed after me as we raced towards the power plant but just as we turned out he corner the timer went off and the explosions went off destroying the building, sending pieces of stone, glass and whatever else in different directions as the building fell to the ground in a cloud of dust and smoke.

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