Chapter Nine

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Here I am, sitting in the den, not being allowed to leave as I was told not to by Wyatt about an hour ago and my phone has died so who knows how many messages I've got from my parents; if they cared enough to message me at all, I didn't care that much though I'm bound to get yelled at again and again.

I'm currently sitting on a bed in a room but I have no idea who it is, there are all sorts of things in the room, some things I recognise as something a human would own. I slid off the side of the bed and stepped towards a shelf that hung on the wall to see a bunch of random objects like an old windup toy, next to it there was a small rock with something written on it, I picked up the rack and turned it to face me so I could read it 'Riley and Wyatt forever'.

As I was about the stone back the door started to open scaring me slightly and making me drop the rock, I looked towards the door to see Wyatt standing there holding a pile of clothes "what are you doing?" he asked giving me a suspicious look.

"I was just looking around" I admitted, I bent down so I could pick up the rock but when I stood up straight Wyatt was right by my side "can I help you?" I asked as I was about to place the rock back, but Wyatt reached over and took the rock from my hands.

"I made this when we were kids, I kind of forgot about it" he admitted as he stared down at it as it sat in his palm.

"What about the bracelet I gave you?" I asked.

Wyatt placed his other hand into his jacket pocket and instantly pulled the bracelet, he let it hang from his grip "never go anywhere without it" he said with a smile, I gave him a smile in return.


After about an hour of me and Wyatt arguing about who was taking his bed tonight, it ended with me taking the bed and Wyatt sleeping on the floor next to me. I wrapped myself up in the blankets I was given, I couldn't sleep even with the quietness apart from the sound of nature like the owls outside, the wind and Wyatt's soft snores, I never thought that werewolves would howl in their sleep but they do.

The thought of the moonstone kept coming back to mind and the fact that the wolves are getting worse rapidly, even though we know where the moonstone is located the wolves don't exactly have a plan in place for them to retrieve the moonstone, I need to help, but how? I pulled the blankets off as I sat up straight in bed before flinging my legs over the side and placing my feet on the cold stone floor. I pulled my shoes from out under the bed and put them on before picking up my jacket; which hung over one of the bed posts and pulled it on. I grabbed the rest of my belongings before I made my way out of Wyatt's room trying not to wake him. I adventured through the empty den towards the entrance before looking back, I'm gonna help, one way or another.

I stepped through the entrance engulfed with the cold air, I looked up at the night sky as I searched for the moon, and I spotted the moon high in the sky signalling it was around 1 in the morning. I slowly started up my walk back towards Zombietown, the walk back was silent as the sounds of myself breathing and the sounds of the dead leaves crunching under my feet sounded louder than normal. I have no idea what the moonstone looks like but I have a small idea of what I'm looking for, I just need to get to the power plant without being detected, that's gonna be a challenge.

The closer I approached the broken fence the more I started to second-guess my choice, I quickly shook my head from the second-guessing thoughts and stepped through the fence without scratching myself, once I was on the other side of the fence I made a quick detour to my house to drop off some bits and to charge my phone a bit before making my way to the power plant.

Finally seeing my house come into view I saw that there were no lights on telling me my parents were asleep or at least in bed, I made my way to the back of the house where I found the rope that I hid from the last time I snuck out. I grabbed a tight grip on the rope and placed my feet on the side of the house as I pulled myself up off the ground and towards my bedroom windows. Once I was at my window, I pushed hard to open it, but it was opening, come on! I sat on my window ledge and gripped the window even harder as I pulled as hard as I could to open the window, suddenly I heard a snap on the inside and the window glided up. I quickly climbed into my room and closed the window behind me, my foot hit something on the floor catching my attention, I bent down and picked it up to see a piece of metal, it was a part of the lock on my window, whoops.

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