Chapter Twelve

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As I finished the last bit of the song I kept my eyes closed as I didn't want to see Wyatt's face just in case he rejects me, not knowing if someone likes you back is always frustrating as there's always an aching feeling or excitement that their hinting of them liking you back and then there's the pain that comes after rejection or them telling you that you remind them of a sibling; I think that one hurts a lot I don't have much experience but I know it can happen, you can't forget the pain of not being allowed to be together if it's because your parents don't except it or the law doesn't allow it.

"Riley, is that how you feel about me?" Wyatt asked with me still holding onto my hand and a hand on my waist. I started to pull away from Wyatt as I was bound to get rejected by him, but Wyatt made his grip slightly strong not allowing me to escape "you said I love you" he said again, I finally opened my eyes and looked into his "when you came to the den for the first time, you said I love you"

"So, you've known all this time and you didn't tell me" I semi-yelled, why would he do that?

"I wanted you to tell me with you knowing what you're saying" he chuckled slightly as he brought me closer to him "and well Awoo" I gave him a confused look as he howled "it means I love you too"

"You do?" I questioned.

"Of course, I do, I have since we were kids and I asked you to build a world with me" I couldn't keep myself from smiling but the blush soon started to spread across my cheeks "you also look cute when you're blushing" he smiled down at me before he leaned even closer and kissed my cheeks.

"You like kissing my cheek" I stated once he pulled away.

He shrugged "what can I say, I'm a kiss-the-cheek kind of guy"

"Oh yeah, 'cause that's a real thing" I chuckled as we eventually pulled away from each other.

"It is, 'cause that's what I am" Wyatt continued to make me laugh but I soon felt a buzzing in my jacket pocket, Wyatt gave me a confused look as I went to grab my phone.

Once I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I saw that my dad was calling me "great, now my dad is calling me" I groaned.

"Do you have to answer it?" Wyatt asked taking a step closer.

"I'm afraid so" I sighed answering the call but putting it on loudspeaker "what?"

"Where the hell are you?" He snapped.

"I'm still at prawn" I answered blankly.

"I want you home now!" He snapped again before hanging up the call, I groaned out of frustration before looking at Wyatt as he gave me a sympathetic look "I'm sorry but I..."

"Have to go" he finished, I gave him a nod "before you go, I want to give you something as you asked for one" Wyatt started to dig through his suit pocket and started to pull out a necklace, Wyatt collected the entire necklace in his hand before placing it in mine. When he pulled his hand away, he revealed a moonstone, I looked up from the stone "we keep spear ones around for were-pups but now we have the moonstone back we can make more"

"Wyatt, I can't take this," I said.

"You asked for one and you helped us get the moonstone back, so you deserve it" he explained.


"And believe it or not, the moonstone regenerates every couple of hundred years from what I've heard so we have endless amounts of moonstones for all of us" he explained again, I started to feel less guilty for having one and just excepted the gift.

I started to think, what if someone else in Seabrook was the great alpha? Someone who doesn't know, someone who wasn't born with white hair "do you know what would be funny?" I asked but got a shake of the head as an answer "if someone like me was the great alpha, someone without white hair" I stated, Wyatt, started to think as well.

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