Chapter Twenty-One

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The day has arrived for us to graduate from Seabrook High School, the time has flown by so fast, but the feeling of Addison not here still hasn't sunk in properly just yet, but it definitely feels lonely without her and her smile, cheer pride, clever comebacks and her warm welcoming to anyone. If Addison didn't welcome the aliens, she wouldn't have found where she belonged and she would still be questioning if she belonged anywhere.

A knock on my bedroom door snapped me out of my trance as I looked at myself in my mirror in our graduation robs and caps, my bedroom door slowly started to open making me turn away from my mirror and towards the door, Wyatt poked his head around the edge of the door as if he was looking for something or someone. Once he spotted me standing in the middle of the room he stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. He wore his normal slightly ripped jeans with a purple velvet shirt with a leather waist coat with fur; of course, with his graduation rob over his arm with his cap in his hand "how are you feeling?" He asked stepping closer placing his rob and cap on my bed before placing both hands on my upper arms, gently rubbing them.

"I'm fine" I answered forcing a smile the best I could.

"I heard you crying last night, Riley" He said "how are you really feeling?" He asked again.

I felt tears start to form in my eyes again "I don't want to do this without her" I stated, Wyatt pulled me closer to him as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, I placed my hands on his chest trying my best to keep the tears from falling.

"It's going to be ok, I promise" He whispered as he rested his forehead against mine.

My hands slowly slid up from his chest to rest on the back of his neck as I played with his hair, Wyatt let out a slight chuckle "you always liked playing with my hair" he smiled, just the sight of him smile got me to grow a genuine smile.

"What can I say, I like you with long hair" I said pulling our foreheads apart so I could look into his eyes. Wyatt leaned forward as he gently placing his lips against mine before pulling away slowly, I brought one of my hands away from playing with her hair and brought it in front of his face to push away a few stray white hairs away from his eyes "much better, now I can see your eyes"

He let out a chuckle as he shook his head slightly making his hair flare out almost hits me in the face, I let out a chuckle as well. I've missed this. "Now you know how I feel when you do it to me" he smiled looking at me lovingly, now I know what Bree meant when the wolves first came to Seabrook, he does look at me like how Zed looks at Addison.

"Come on, let's get going" Wyatt said hooking an arm over my shoulders keeping me tightly next to him, he quickly picked up his rob and cap before we made our way out of my room and down the open hallway, we walked past Wynter's room just as she was exiting it in her bright pink graduation rob and cap.

All three of us made our way down to the main area where a bunch of wolves were dressed in formal clothes with the pink robs laid over the top of them, we eventually found Willa talking with the pack as they smiled to each other, some crying and some cheering that this year is over ready for our next step, college.

Willa spotted us walking across the main room with her rob placed over her shoulders with the front undone showing her outfit underneath and her cap in her hand, Willa made her way over to us making the sound of her heels echo throughout our home "good morning" she gave us all a smiled.

"Morning Willa" I gave her a half smile back.

"Is everyone ready?" She asked placing her cap on the top of her head making sure the tassel was on the correct side.

"Ready as I can be" Wynter said as she stepped next to Willa. Willa wrapped an arm around Wynter's shoulders in a sister way as she pulled the much smaller girl tighter to her side.

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