Candle ☁🥀 Belphegor

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Warning: Suicidal reader

Why can't you just admit it? Mammon always looked at you, asking if you were ok. You'd always reply you were, with a smile. Why are you always lying? Why can't you just admit it? You're not ok.

The brothers always seemed to ask if you were ok. You'd say yes, and they'd leave it be. It's your fault they don't know, why can't you just tell them? Why are you always silent?

Your assignments were stacking up, you'd been avoiding classes, and even the cat Satan and you promised to care for together rarely had food from your end. Satan assumed you were too busy and decided to care for it himself, leaving you feeling guilty.

Would it be better if you weren't here? If you just..
No, that'd make it worse.
But, would it really? It was such a selfish thing to do. It'd hurt them around you, but at the same time, you felt like nobody noticed what you were going through.

You were walking down the hallway, having just finished eating. Well, if you can call that eating, you'd barely touched your plate, only sliding it over to Beel. He questioned you, only hearing the 'I'm not hungry' excuse once again. He questioned you again, but eventually gave in and enjoyed the food you had gave to him.

You planned on locking yourself away, not coming out for a while, until a hand gripped your wrist.

"Hey. Wait."

You turn to see the sleepy face of Belphegor.

"I'm feeling lonely. Do you mind spending the night with me?"
He asked, refusing to let go of your wrist.

You stared at him for a moment, knowing you couldn't refuse him.
"Yeah, ok."

That's how it started. Every night, Belphie would find a way into your bed, arms around you like you were his favorite pillow. Sometimes he'd talk to you as he fell asleep, talking about nothing notable, only just wanting to hear your voice.

You'd reached a point where you were ready to commit to ending it all. You never got a chance though. Daytime was too busy, and Belphie was always there at night. Having him there made you forget about your plans, only for them to appear back in your mind, hoping the next night he wouldn't need you.

However, it wasn't only you who hadn't kept up on your lessons. Belphie had to be taken away for most of the night, Lucifer refusing to let him go until he made it up. You were next on his list, he was planning on forcing you into finishing it too.

You didn't plan on finishing your work, though. Only your life.
You'd gone through the methods, thinking constantly about how you'd do it. You'd decided cutting was the easiest. You layed down in the bathtub, setting your plan into motion.

It was about a half hour later that Lucifer came for you. Belphie tagged along, wanting to sleep in your bed as he usually did. When you didn't open the door, Lucifer forced it open himself, assuming you were avoiding his wrath. He found the bathroom door locked as well, and silence on the other end. That's when the worrying set in.

Bursting through that door as well, the eldest and youngest found you. Everything was a blur. The brothers all took their turns freaking out as everyone tried to drag you away to a hospital.

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