Chapter six: Lyra

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Running. Running. That was the only thing on my mind after witnessing my family risk themselves for Amber and I. Amber was by my side as we ran but things got hectic. "LYRA! DONT STOP RUNNING ILL DEAL WITH THEM!" I didn't notice we were being followed but she stayed behind like a warrior while I ran like a wuss.

It was hours when I finally stopped for air. Running fast was something that came naturally to me but it wasn't something I could rely on for any longer. There was shuffling and I turned to see a wolf, a very large grey/blue wolf. It stopped and looked at me, nearly attacking me if it weren't for another wolf that attacked it. I ran off making sure I put distance between me and those thing. (Guess who that is)

I couldn't run so I jogged for the remaining hours while I was in the woods. I kept my head down till night fall, that's when I looked up at the stars and searched for the North Star aka Polaris.

Much to be said child, speak to me

My eyes widen and I froze looking all around me "WHOSE THERE!" I yelled frightened for dear life.

Oh child I don't wish to harm you, a group of Hunters are blocking us from our targets to protect

"What do you mean by 'us' and 'Group of hunters?'" I asked looking around a little frightened.

My husband and I of course, and by hunters there are few who work for bad people and iteration who protect for the good causes, each can block people from the people who they protect

"So why are you in my head?" I finally gave up looking for the person and sat in a hole on the ground to keep me warm.

Because we know you will trust us to let us with you and make you stronger than you are

It was a different voice this time. More manly than the girly one before. "How can I truly trust someone I cannot see?" I spoke to myself but also to them. Suddenly two balls if colors appeared and then humans came out from them, at first they were see through now I cant see though them. "Woah" I gaped at them but I was still iffy about them.

"Yes we are not what people expect, not even to our dead daughter" then a third ball of light came forward but this one was grey and it didn't disappear fast like the other two did. After a moment or two a girl appeared. "Yeah well if it weren't for me taking all my energy to save a friend I would still be alive mother" she spoke with bitterness in her voice. "I'm Lythion, my mother, Rayden, my father, Scythian" She explained without a moments rest.

"A gift is what you need to survive Lyra" the father spoke but he caught me off guard. "How do you know my name?" I questioned surprised. "We're dead, how do we not know people's names?" The daughter spoke with sarcasm laced in her voice. "Opening your true colors gets you no where Lythion, remember you are dead and you're 53 remember? So act like it" her mother hissed at her. I just stared trying I think how she was fifty because she looked like she was in her twenties.

"My blood makes me look younger than I would without it, luckily I gave my friend that too so she looks young, or her magic is doing that," the daughter crossed her arms. "Do you have kids?" I asked. "Yes two are mine and two are adopted, their father died protecting me, my youngest got kidnapped just before I died, my children are now orphans, my youngest son Hanson doesn't know I'm dead!" she spoke with hatred and sadness. "Please, can we not? We give her the gifts and watch over her that's the deal nothing more nothing less," her father spoke in outrage.

"Here the gift of seeing beyond, it will help you determine which path to take but it won't always tell you is certain situations" the daughter said making something come from her palm and forced it to me. "The gift of strength, will hopefully keep you alive" her father spoke kindly, doing the same as her daughter. "And finally the gift of knowing, it can help you see whose bad and whose good, it always gives you a look at their life when you touch them" her mother said kindly. All three orbs converged before hitting me in one shot. "Sorry kid, this will knock you out and you may end up somewhere you may not wanna be in" I heard them say before my vision was clouded with black.

-time skip till-

It's been days and I've been in a damn cage with many people. But I finally got a few paper clips to unlock this damn cage and escape, I have to know if my sister is alive so I have to get out. "What are you doing" Someone hissed at me. "Getting out, what does it look like?" I stated bluntly but it may have came out another way. She stayed silent for a bit before I heard her say. "I won't scream if you help us and everyone else out" I could see her smirk as I responded with. "You. Wouldn't. Dare" I glared at her.

So that's how I met them. I am Lyra Shinx, and this is how I played a part in this story and how my life was before hand.

Next we have Eli and Andrew theirs will be together seeing how they're brothers.

Another Chance (Trilogy To The Spin Off Of Abused Then Loved) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now