Chapter fifteen

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3rd POV (haven't done one of these in a while)

No one spoke as they neared the facility. Abiruca and Tick both got re-trusted by the people who work there when they brought in the two hunters. Hayden had manage to use the Dream Walking to his advantage and got the other three kids in along with himself. Though a fight broke out between vampires and Hunters over something silly on the inside, so no one seemed to notice four kids walking right pass them. They managed to get past quite a few things before having to split up and searching for the man who started this. The hallways gave each one of them the creeps. It seemed like a hospital or a mental asylum kind of building but none of them questioned it. As they went to split up their own halls seemed to get creepier and creepier by the second.

Hayden's POV

Walking around this stupid place was giving me the heebee Jeebies. Just looking around gave me shivers. A ghost came up to me with a warm pleasant smile. Don't trust her. My eyes widen when I heard something say that, and because the ghost with the warm pleasant smile turned into a evil grin and it's whole body changed into a demonic sorta looking thing. I would've screamed if it weren't for the bright light that took it out. As soon as I was about to thank it, it disappeared. Shaking my head to get refocused, I walked off down the hall way checking all the rooms as I went until I traced the last one.

Nothing happened in the room. Just a few people sitting there doing research. It's not just research, run, get out of there befo- the voice was cut off as I felt something go through me. I looked down at my chest to see blood spilling. My world got dizzy but there was Victoria, she stood there with me in her arms. To keep me from falling down. To keep me from collapsing. To keep me from dying just as she did. I coughed up blood as it had seemed to seep into my lungs. "Come on Hayden stay with me, do something! Use the amulet please buddy," Victoria tried to keep me awake but all I could hear was 'You did good in protecting the one, now protect the amulet, even in death protect it my boy, you will see me in your life, surly we can see each other again after this has ended.'

Silence consumed my thoughts, and the person who spoke as I soon reached the end, the red lights and loud noises soon dimmed and the darkness consumed everything I have known in my entire life.

Star's POV

I pranced around looking at different things and trying to find this guy. If I couldn't find him now meant he could be with one of the others. Red lights flashed along with a siren. Uh oh. Quickly I made a break for it and weaved pass the white coats who were coming out to see what's going on. Next thing I know I'm being chased down. "NOT TODAY!" I yelled franticly jumping over, ducking under, and juking them as they tried to catch me. I laughed out loudly thinking I was unstoppable before I felt something on my legs. I looked down for only a second before it tightened and I tripped. I fell face first and let say the stupid white tiled floor isn't going to be so white anymore.

"Ah fuck me," I cussed out painfully seeing how my teeth got most of the floor action. I looked up slightly to see a man in front of me. "Oh fuck you too," I spat my bloody saliva at him along with one or two teeth. I was picked up to see the stupid idiot who made my best friend blind. "You've lost my dear girl," he chuckled menacingly. "That's where your wrong." We stood there in silence as the voice came from neither one of us. I turned to see Lyra standing there with a gun at hand. Why can't I be the bad ass one for once in my life. You know what? Fuck it. I head budded the guy who held me and knocked him back a he dropped me but I managed to stand before I fell only butt. Lyra took her shot and killed him in the head right before he fell down completely.

"Nice shot," I said looking at her to see she had the gun up at my face. "Yeah who cares, but just so you know it was your family who got mine killed, have fun in hell bitch," she pulled the trigger sending me to stumble backwards into the man she had just killed. I still had a bit of fight in me and I soon coughed up blood. "Ye-h I ho-p y-ur fam-ly isn't go-n to -ell li- yu- ar," I managed before bleeding out. I gave her props for shooting me in the neck to the point where I can still say that but I really hope the others can kill her before she kills them. And here's is my last initial thought:

Funk you Lyra, fuck you.

Seriously I don't want to make Lyra the bad guy but I thought the plot twist would be a good change in this. So yes two dead and I am ending this book shortly. Maybe in the next chapter or the next one after that, idk but it will be ending shortly. Anyways like always

Bai my fire charges

Another Chance (Trilogy To The Spin Off Of Abused Then Loved) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now