Chapter seventeen

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Hanson's POV

Using Luna as help was sorta nice because I'm not lonely as I thought I was. Stand still Han. I did as told and waited for Luna to tell me what to do. "Oh Hanson there you are!" It was Lyra's voice and I smiled. Duck! And I did just that. A bullet flew over head. "LYRA! You could've shot me!" I yelled knowing she was the only with me. Other wise Luna would've told me someone else was here. "That's what I'm going for," I could hear Lyra say threatening me. I could feel something pushing it way into my head and so I let it. When I realized that Luna was in my head I didn't have time to react when my vision turned from black to white in seconds. I'm letting you see so you can fight, you won't be able to fight in the dark. I smirked at Lyra who looked oddly confused. "Your eyes changed color?" She spoke.

"Yeah that happens when you can see," I stated and it was her turn to be utterly shocked. "No way? That can be true! Your blind!" She yelled and shot at me again but I dodged the blow. "Hey Lyra! Guess what? I'm a survivor! And I will keep on surviving!" I yelled as she shot at me many times. As soon as she ran out of bullets I used my walking stick to hit her. I had a walking stick to help me not run into walls. She let out an 'oof' when I hit her and she fell. "Ow," she rubbed her head where I had hit her.

Don't let her fool you Hanson, she knows you care about her and will help her.

Yeah well now she doesn't know anything about me anymore

I held my stick up ready to strike her again. When I notice her go for the knife I had made her, I whacked her so hard on the head she accidentally stabbed herself in the gut. "Gah!" She pulled the knife out but where she had stabbed herself was a place where she wouldn't stop bleeding, especially because of how deep it went. "I'm sorry Lyra, but you lost everything now, friends, a new family, and the trust of everyone who knew you," I spoke sadly to her.

"Don't pity me! I don't need your damn pity!" She yelled angrily at me. "Lyra, I'm not giving you pity, in just sorry for how you ended up here," I stated. I grabbed the knife off the ground and walked over to her. "You're dying so I will put you out of your misery, you don't deserve to die feeling pain when you deserve a fast death," I held the knife up to her skull. "I'm sorry Hanson, I really am for what I did," was all she said before I stabbed her letting her body go limp.

I sighed knowing I need to finish this and set things right. Maybe I wasn't chosen for this but I'm the last one who can put a stop to it. I started to walk off down the hallways to reach a bigger room. As soon as I touched the door nob with my bloody hand my vision became fuzzy, when I yanked my hand away it was normal.

I can't go over there Hanson

Then I'll do it alone, I need to do it alone

Soon Luna was out and my vision was black again. I started to open the door and walk in. It was a large and vast room with hardly anything in it. "Ah the blind boy lives," a female voice snickers. "Yes I live, I killed Lyra and put her out of her misery, unlike you who made her into way she is," I was crossed with them but I didn't mind anymore. What's done is done. "Are you here to stop me?" Another voice rang out.

"I want to talk, why start this? It was a simple accident that caused an omen to start," I said looking around though all I could see is pitch black. "This omen is the cause of your existence," Lucian yelled. "No, my existence was caused by my mother and father, just as you were," I spoke with gentleness in my voice. Silence again. "Who are you?" He asked softly. "I an Hanson, son of Drake Stone and Lythion Flames, their last born child," I responded.

"Your mother is a Flames! As are you, so in that case you deserve to die!" He yelled angrily. "Hear me out! My family had nothing to do with the omen! We were dragged into it! It was Skylar's family who started it! And if I recall correctly all you wanted to be is alpha and you are! Your have a half brother I get it but he isn't wolf! You are and so you are the next alpha! Your father is dead because he was going to expose what he was to humans! He died and you blamed us, don't you see? If he had shone himself you wouldn't be alpha? I get the whole avenge your family but please stop! If you continue all of our supernatural race will die because of you!" I was holding back a sob and kept my head held high.

"You know what...."

Ha I'm a troll! Here's a cliff hanger to keep ya guessing till the next chapter is up. Won't take long btw. Anyways like always

Bai my fire charges

Another Chance (Trilogy To The Spin Off Of Abused Then Loved) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now