Chapter nine

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We continue the story

???'s pov

I awoke from the darkness. The sleep that kept me away. I looked around only to see a family. A family of people whom I didn't know. But this wasn't a family, it was a group. A boy who looked like he was in his teen years had looked into my direction and stopped walking. He had seen me. He told his friends something and they had walked off talking and laughing through the thick woods. The boy however walked to me. I stood there and watched him as he neared me. "Uh... Hi spirit?" He spoke with gentleness in his voice. "Spirit? I'm not dead" I stated without giving him a glance.

"Okay so what's your name?" He seemed to want to know more about me. "Why should I tell you" I spat at him angrily. "Because if you don't I can't help you cross over" he said again in a gentle voice. "I'm not dead! Wait, where's my sister?" I looked around finding no trace of her, just an overly large tree. "You're dead I need to get you off this side of the world as fast as I can otherwise you will be used against us, and fight with an army that's wants my family dead" the boy looked desperate but I gave him a scoff. "Like I said I'm not dead" I stated before I felt him walk through me.

"Proof enough for you?" He seemed angry but I nodded. There was no way that could happen. Especially not if I was alive. So I am dead? I really did die with my sister long ago. But why am I awake now? Do I have to pass? Can he help me? How can he see me?

Hayden's pov

The guy was dead and he just figured it out. Dumbass. I've been doing this for a while now, I mean helping people cross over that is. This guy is the fifth this month and there's usually ten to fifteen each month. Plus Victoria, the first ghost I've seen, like to hangout with the living a lot. Like she possessed Lyra once to get used to being human which can't happen. Of course Lyra was cool about it.

"Hey if I'm dead then how can you see me?" Mr. I'm-not-dead guy asked. I really didn't want to repeat the damn answer over and over every time this happens. "I'm Hayden the only guy who can see and hear you, I have a gift that allows me to do this so if you can please tell me why you're still here we can get over with it" I clapped my hands once trying to get the show on the road.

"Yeah I do think so buddy, I'm not stupid and I don't want a person like you trying to help me, maybe I can get someone else to help me" he pondered and looked around a bit but seriously? Who is he kidding? This guy doesn't know where the heck he is! "I'd listen to the kid, he is the only guy for miles maybe states away who can see us and help us," Victoria said popping out of no where. She seems to be everywhere and nowhere all at once, freaky.

-time skip-

After a few hours of talking I found out his name is Jackson, died when he was fifteen and his sister was eight when she died, only reason why he is still here is because he wants to find the guy who killed him an his sister. "Can't," Victoria said sitting up in a tree. "Well why not?" Jackson seemed confused. "By the looks of it, the guy who killed you is dead a you'll need to find a descendent, Hayden you go home I'll take it from here" Victoria explained/commanded me to leave. "Okay, take good care of him" I warned before chuckling and leaving them be.

It only took ten minutes to find a person from the group of people from our makeshift village. "Oh hey Jay" I smile kindly at the kid. He's only thirteen and really funny at most. "Hey, have you seen Karo? She took my Pokemon cards again" he looked high and low and everywhere from what I can tell. I shook my head but heard a twig snap, that caused Jay to run off again to hunt down Karo.

"Hey didn't think you where still out here?" Acid said from behind me and was smiling kindly. "Nothing much just being the alpha I am and doing things on my own" I smiled kindly back at her. "Well every alpha needs a Luna, and I herd from your father that you'll be of age soon to find your mate" she said coming closer to me with a small smirk planted on her face. "Acid" I backed up not wanting to be near her.

"I don't like you like that Acid, I'm sorry but I just don't" I heard her freeze but something in me made her freeze. I looked around and nothing moved. Absolutely nothing. No wind, no sound, nothing. "It's a gift" I turned to see my grandmother, young as ever. "What kind of gift? I thought there's only twenty and this isn't one of them" I cocked my head to the side. "It's a gift from the dead, as is dream walking" she didn't seem to be happy. "Be careful on how you use it and remember, you have family but your family can also be your enemies I feel as if something big will happen soon. Maybe sooner" she left without another word and I stood there stunned. Soon? Exactly how soon?

Yes I did add two wattpaders here so your welcome jayfreem and karo246 . Anyway like always

Bai my fire charges

P.s I'm not dead

Another Chance (Trilogy To The Spin Off Of Abused Then Loved) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now