Chapter Eighteen

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Still same POV

"You know what... Your going to die like the rest of them," next thing I know there was a sudden clash of sounds from above. Moving easily I dodged the harmful blow of what ever it was.

Hanson let me know your mind!

No! Who is this!

It's Victoria the only spirit that can reach you in here now hurry let me in so I can help please!

I didn't have much of a chance of doing this alone so I let her in. My vision came back and my eyes widen because of what stood in front of me. Lycia was standing there obviously and so was her father but not just that. Two young infants and a girl stood there with them looking deadly afraid for dead life. "Who are they?" They are the only reason why the vampire leader helps these people, those are her kids, thy are being her hostage and she is forced to help them. Oh, makes sense.

I ended up dodging another blow that came from a shotgun. My eyes widen when I tripped falling flat on my back. "Ow" I groaned trying to get up. Man being physically unable to get up from such a short distance is my fault. I should've practiced with Hayden when I had the chance. Speaking of, where are they?

Suddenly the man towered me like I am his prey. "Uh hi?" I quickly lifted my legs hitting him in his baby maker. For some reason that encouraged the girl to tackle Lycia while Lucian is on the ground clutching his baby maker. "YOU BITCH GET OFF ME!" I heard Lycia yell before a ear splitting scream erupted from Lycia. That seemed to scare Lucian when his head shot up so fast it would've cause whiplash. I turned slightly to see the girl standing there with a limp body held in the air before it was dropped revealing blood on the girl.

Not just on her clothes but on and all over her mouth. "You whore!" Lucian ran forward about to tackle the vamp chick but it wasn't that simple. Another female vampire ran in and strait to Lucian who ended up having to fight her but his eyes were black. A clear sign that he is not in control what so ever. I watched for moment before I felt myself being pushed. Within seconds I had a hand on my neck and up against the wall well I never thought I'd be in this position in my life what so ever. I used one hand to keep her from crushing my neck an the other to reach for any weapons I have. Remember, I'm part werewolf so keeping her from chocking me was easier said than done due to the fact that I'm a runt.

Your not a runt, never call yourself that

God? Of if your god strike me down now!

No silly it's Star, please keep fighting Han, your the last one to stop this

What do you mean? I felt my blade in my pocket and me trying to get it out is going to be harder than I hoped for.

Han fight like hell! We can't help you anymore you need to fight like you're fighting for your mom's life!

For some reason that didn't make me want to fight harder. But I did manage to get my knife out an I slashed the girl but she didn't move. She stayed with a wicked grin on her face.

Fight for me Han, they killed me, they made Lyra kill me, fight for me

My eyes widen in anger so I slashed again, this time I got her in the neck. She dropped me clutching her neck as blood spilled. "Not so immortal now huh?" She dropped to the floor trying to stop the blood flow but I was on a mission. On a mission to kill the bastards who made Lyra kill my best friend.

Head vamp chick stopped fighting the wolf when she had take a small glance at me. Then at her daughter to find that she has died from my slash to the neck. The wolf held the vamp down and I walked to the infants who looked up at me. I couldn't kill them, I'm not like that, so I dropped the knife back in my pocket. Suddenly Abiruca appeared besides me with a faint grin. "Wanna do good for the bad you have caused on two kids?" I asked looking at the boys.

"Everyday, why do you ask?" Abiruca looked at me sideways. "Their mother is going to die and they will be orphans, take then away from here and raise them like they are your own, they deserve to live a life even if it has lies involved Abiruca," I heard him sigh but agree with me as soon as the crack of bones snapped. Abiruca didn't hesitate to pick up the boys and run out of here, leaving me to fight Lucian.

I turned to him right before he pounced on me. To which I didn't move at all when he landed right on top of me. Having his four paws on my limbs leaving my head near his massive mouth. "Go for it Lucian, do it I dare you," a small smirk planted on my lips. It confused the dog long enough for me to yank my hand out from under his paw. Quickly reaching over as his jaw would've closed on me any second. We both yelped at my move. Looking down at my chest I had a double blade of pure silver cutting into my chest and into the wolf's esophagus.

"Guess we are both dying tonight," I laughed a little darkly at my humor. I pushed the blade more into the wolf making him whimper but with that caused movement. The double blade was still in me moving due to his squirming. We both knew its over and my vision were being covered in spots now. "HANSON!" A familiar voice yelled at me from a distance or what seemed like a distance. The weight on me was pushed off and the blade teared out of me. It's the end for this stupid omen. Better us than the millions of supernaturals that can now live peacefully.

Opening my eyes for the final time I could see Isis who looked a lot like mom sitting beside me with tears in her eyes. "You loo- like mo-," I could nearly manage as blood seeped into my lungs. "Please no don't leave me, please I just got you back and I'm not loosing you ever again!" She yelled holding me close to her as tears were spilling from her eyes. I chuckled lightly and closed my eyes hearing her pleads for me not to leave her.

The silence stopped everything and the darkness clouded my vision again, making me feel as if I were floating in space. Though I think it will always be dark in the world of the dead. I closed my eyes tightly wishing for a way out but I accepted the fact that I'm dead. I will be dead and nothing can stop that.

For a sudden moment a bell rang...

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