~chapter 70~

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I let out a sob. "you promised me you wouldn't put yourself in any pain" he says sobbing into my neck. "I couldn't stop it this time" I whisper. He looks up at me. "Don't leave me. When I saw you like that in jungkooks arms I-I couldn't I couldn't hold it in anymore" he says sobbing. I wipe his tears with my hands. "I'm sorry you had to see that" I say. "I'm sorry all of you had to see that" I whisper to him. "You don't know a lot" I say. "When I saw you scared like that because of your brother it scared me. It reminded me about a lot of things" he says sobbing.

"I don't want to see you like that anymore" he says. "I promise I'm okay. But when stuff like that happens. That's why I have medicine" I say. "Where is your medicine?" He says. "It's put away" I say. He looks at me and wipes the tears. "Now get off of me you're heavy" he says. "Actually you're on me" I say. His eyes widen. "Oh god I'm so sorry"he says. He stands up right away and helps me up. I look at him. I hug him. "Thanks Oppa" I whisper.


We turn around and it's the other 6 brothers. They walk in shutting the door. I look at them. "Are you okay?" Jin asks. "I'm okay" I whisper. Jungkook steps forward and I hesitantly look at him. He immediately hugs me as the tears well up in my eyes again. I take a deep breath. "Can you not make me cry again?" I say as my voice breaks. He pulls away and cups my face as a tear escapes my eye. "You're a strong girl" he says. "It's okay to cry" he says. He wipes my tears. "You've been through so much" he says. "Oppa no" I say. "I don't want your pity" I say. "Or your sympathy" I say. "I don't want you or anyone to look at me like I'm weak" I say.

He kisses my lips. I kiss him back. "Let's go downstairs okay?" He says. I look at him as he turns and walks out the door. The boys following behind. I follow behind them. "Is she alright?" I hear Jackson ask. "She's alright"namjoon says with a soft smile. "We need to talk" Noona says. I know what she wants to talk about. She grabs my hand as we walk to the living room. Oppa following behind.

1 hour later

I look at her. "Do you understand?" She says. I look at her with tears down my face. "I do but-" I say. "No buts" she says. "No noona let me finish" I say. "No" she says. "You're just gonna tell me you booked a flight and your leaving tomorrow but you won't let me spill my feelings out" I say. "No. Cause I can't stand listening to your sob story" she says. "But noona-"I say but get cut off by a hard slap. Everyone gasps. She just slapped me.

She never slaps me. She never even hit me before. I let out a chuckle. A hurtful chuckle. "Lydia I'm sorry" she says. I hesitantly stand up. I don't meet her eyes. I walk away from the couch. Tears just falling continuously down my face. "Lydia, baby" Jackson says. I look up hesitantly. I meet his eyes. "You have to understand" he says. "We have to leave" he says. "We are sorry but we have to" he says. I don't say anything I just stare at him. They can't leave me again. Not now. I need them. They can't leave me again.

"I'm not keeping you here" I say in a whisper. "You can leave right now if you wanted to" I say. My voice cold and I don't even realize it. "You can leave and I won't stop you. But don't ever say I'm important to you cause clearly if you "have to" leave, your job is more important" I say. "And you don't get to apologize" I say. "I'm done hearing sorry every time someone hits me, or forgets my birthday, or raises their voice for no exact reason" I say. "I'm done with all of it" I say with a small smile. "You can leave and I won't stop you but don't think for one second I wish for you to come back" I say.

They look at me. Oppa comes towards me, he looks like he's angry. I walk back till my back hits the wall again. The same positions like yesterday. "Don't talk to us like that" he says. I take a deep breath. "I won't talk to you at all" I say. My body feels week. He slaps me again. The front door opens. I whimper this time. "JACKSON!" I hear someone yell. It's Felix. "Don't get in it" I hear a voice say. Why is everyone just watching? I need Kai. I need beom. But they aren't hear.

"You are such a brat! A mistake!" He yells. Everyone gasps again. And I chuckle. A painful chuckle. "Yeah I know.." I say in a low tired voice. "Mom told me that. Dad told me that. They've told me that. You have told me that" I whisper. "I'm sorry I was born in the first place. But don't think for one second you've known what's going on with me. Don't think for one second you were ever there in the beginning" I say in a ice cold tone. My tears have stopped flowing and my eyes are dark.

"I fucking hate you" I say. "And noona too" I say. "I hate both of you" I say. I see shock written in everyone's face. "Fuck you and fuck noona"I say. "Your 'little girl' is long gone. She's tired of everyone's shit already. And if that means she's tired of noona and Oppa then oh fucking well" I say. "She's been through to much. She can't put up a fight much longer" I say. "Cant you see that?" I say as I start crying again. "She's scared. She's scared of you and noona now" I say. I slide my body down the wall holding onto myself. Felix comes towards me and wraps his arms around me. I start sobbing.

"Shhh. I got you"

Hope you like this chapter. So much drama lately

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