why I am no longer a conservative

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If you followed my previous account, you'd know that I used to be conservative. Well, not anymore and late 2019-2020 was the turning point for me.

When I was conservative, I believed that systemic racism was a myth however that would change in late 2019 when I entered university which exposed me to the real world. There, I met people with different stories and even gained experience myself.

It won't be until the murder of Ahmed Arbery that my eyes would open at the fact that racism was alive and well. In addition to that, the knowledge of the alarmingly high maternal mortality rate in Black women and the history of gynaecology made me realize that, in fact, systemic racism was real.

Black slave women were used as experimental props by J Marion Sims who would operate on them without using anaesthesia based on the myth that Black people had high pain tolerance (which I'd confidently tell you is a lie as pain is subjective and different individuals have different levels of tolerance to pain).

This would be embedded in the system which actively kills Black mothers as they are gaslighted and, at worst, ignored by their healthcare providers when they end up with pregnancy/childbirth complications.

While one may argue that slavery was abolished in the 1800s, this is ignoring the fact the 13th amendment contains a clause (or loophole, if you want to call it that) that allows slavery to abide (the prison system).

Looking back now, I realized that when I was still conservative, I was told that I was "different" and "not like other Black people" because I was their token. I was the token Black woman who they could tag in a comment to debate with a Black person who didn't tell them what they wanted to hear and like the person I was back then, I was their tap dancer.

It wouldn't be until I started questioning a lot of their beliefs that I saw them for their true colours. I was told that I was starting to adopt the victim complex, that I was going back to the Democratic plantation.

Now, I'm no longer conservative. Neither amI liberal. To be honest, my political position as of now is complicated as I can't really fit myself into a label in regards to politics. I would not pretend as if racism doesn't exist because I want to appeal to a certain demographic (white people). A lot of white people may be annoyed by the fact that I'm no longer their token Black person but to be honest, I don't care what they think anymore.

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