internet shopping: the basics

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typically don't shop online for various reasons, however, I've found out that the benefits outweigh the costs, for example, when I want to buy cloth of a particular colour/size but it is not available, I can go online to shop for that particular cloth. Most of us have heard horror stories about online shopping fails and I'm here to talk about how to avoid them.

1. Know your size: don't assume. Know your size before buying that cloth and if you don't know your size, you can get a friend to measure you and check the size chart (which is usually at the bottom of the size options). I should follow my own advice on this too.

2. Buy what you need, not what you want: I am guilty of this as I get easily distracted and I end up buying that cloth that I will never wear in a million years.

3. Keep in mind your preferences: If you are not a fan of sleeveless clothes or crop tops, don't buy them at all. If you don't feel comfortable in wearing shorts, don't buy them. If mini gowns make you feel uncomfortable, don't buy them. If you hate strapless clothes, don't spend your money on it.

I get that those clothes look cute and they are usually sold at a low price, still I say, DON'T buy them. Buy the clothes that make you feel comfortable instead.

4. Also, consider the model of the cloth you are about to buy: if you are 5'4" and you want to buy a midi skirt but the model of that skirt is like 5'9, go for a mini skirt instead. Believe me, I have made the mistake of buying a maxi prom gown and I had to drag my gown with me (I am 5'5"). You don't want to make that same mistake, even high heels could not fix it 😩

5. If you are buying a top or a gown, consider your bras and camisoles: if you don't have a strapless/convertible bra, don't buy that strapless gown at all. If that blouse has a deep neckline but you only have full cups, reconsider buying it. But if you have a camisole, go ahead.

6. After getting your clothes, don't remove the tags until you try them on first. If it fits you, you can take off the tags, if not, return them. Don't be scared to return that shirt that is 30 sizes smaller or 50 sizes bigger, your comfort matters here.

7. Your figure matters too!

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