pet peeve (texting edition)

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1. An unknown number texting you without introduction: I do realize that people change location. Some lose their old numbers etc but please, let me know who I am texting! 😡

2. Those who text in abbreviation and contraction, most of the times: I text in abbreviation sometimes which is okay but some people use them all the time and it is so annoying 🙄😒

3. Bad grammar and spelling: typos happen and it is okay. Some people have English as their second language, that is also okay but please if you grew up speaking English, try to make a sensible sentence, okay?

4. Adding me to group chats without my permission: don't do it, please, if you value your life.

5. The stupid guess games, usually from unknown numbers:

Them: Do you know me?

Me: No, who are you?

Them: Guess

Me: 😑 who are you, seriously?

Them: you have to guess 😁

Me: *blocks the number in annoyance*

If you value your life, don't play guessing games with me while texting me.

6. Asking for voice notes: no, just no. I hate giving out voice notes.

7. Dissing my favourite musician: don't diss these guys in my face or when chatting with me if you love your life.


b. Falz

c. Skillet


e. Jordan Feliz

f. Banky W

g. Toby Mac etc

8. Beating about the bush: I just dislike it when people don't go straight to the point in a text message or they expect you to read their minds 🙄

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