just saw the dumbest video ever

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I was going through my YouTube dashboard when I saw this clownery of a video on how 'satanic Skillet is'. I thought 'this will be interesting' and just as I thought, it was an interesting video, if you know what I mean.

So the video used edited clips of interviews that John Cooper (the frontman) has had with channels like CBN as a proof of how 'satanic Skillet is'. The preacher said that Skillet tours with Death Metal bands like Slipknot, Black Sabbath so that means they are a...Death Metal band and therefore satanic.

Now, that is ridiculous cause to those who have listened to Skillet, the hardest and heaviest they have gone in some of their songs is not even close to Death Metal, if anything, it has almost crossed the border of being alt metal or downright metal but not death metal. In addition to that, Slipknot and Black Sabbath (I'm not really sure about Black Sabbath cause I've not really heard them sing) are not Death Metal Bands, they are Heavy Metal.

Has this preacher really listened to Skillet? Death Metal is heavier in rhythm and subjects, and you can hardly hear what the heck they are saying because the singers growl a lot. I listened to one song by Periphery, a Djent (Progressive) Metal band and I could only catch a few words until I searched the internet for the lyrics.

Even if it is a Death Metal Band, it doesn't make it a satanic band. There are Christian Death Metal bands as well as Black (well, antiBlack) Metal bands out there and while I don't know a lot of them because those genres are not a cup of my tea, I do know that they exist.

Another 'proof' was when John mentioned that they are a very hard rock band, so therefore they are 'satanic'. Funny how this preacher man claims that they are a Death Metal Band earlier on, only for John to crush that point. Besides that, the funny part was when they photoshopped the original photo of the Unleashed album with John having devil horns with fire and brimstone coming out of his mouth (not even my five-year-old sister would do that).


Photoshopped by the preacher

In addition to that, he photoshops a pentagram into their group photo to make it look like they are 'satanic folks wanting to brainwash those who play their songs'.

By now I'd think that American fundamental Christians have gone past the need to call all metal/rock music 'satanic' until I came across this dumb video. It reminds me of that one Chick tract I read claiming that every rock music (including Christian rock) is satanic and it would lead those who listen to it to hell. This, this is the reason why some people view us Christians as crazy folks 🤦🏾‍♀‍

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