annoying people in fandoms

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Annoying people in fandoms

1. Shipping police: they are the worst you'll ever see in your life. These people are often big names within the fandom and believe that this fact somehow elevates them as police who decide what people should ship and what they shouldn't. If you dare love that one ship (that is unproblematic but they just don't like it), prepare to become a social pariah.

2. Those who demand things from developers: you'll usually find them on Twitter where they badger the developers and heaven forbids the developers refuse their demands. These are the kinds of people who demand for extra characters/ movies/ game moves etc and they do it in an impolite manner.

3. Toxic stans: Just like above, except that they take it a notch further. These people would stalk your social media account as well as that of your family members to send death threats if you do not bend to their demands. In addition to that, they also talk shit about those who don't like their favourite characters.

4. Those who use LGBT positivity as a mask for misogyny: the fujoshis who use same-sex ships as an excuse to hate female characters that threaten their ship. It gets worse if that female character eventually happens to be in a canon relationship with one of the male characters. If these people should write a fanfiction, always expect that female character to die in the most painful way ever, that is how misogynistic these folks are.

5. Fandom elites:

6. Fans with rose-coloured lenses:

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