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SARS, also known as the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, was put in place to thwart robbery operations. However, instead of doing the work they were established to do, they have become terrorists terrorizing the people they were meant to protect.

What these folks do is that they apprehend a citizen based on profiling. If you are young (male or female), have tattoos, dreadlocks and tinted hair, they claim that you are a yahoo boy (internet fraudster) or a prostitute. Based on their baseless perceptions, they would proceed to extort you of your money or even seize your iPhone (invasion of privacy) and most times, kill you whether or not you comply.

Last year, the Nigerian Police went around rounding up women, raping them with nylon bags (as condoms) and even killing them. To cover up, they claimed that these women were prostitutes as if that is a good reason to rape and kill them.

They have rendered many widows, orphans and fatherless. Instead, they have become the monsters we wanted them to fight. I am posting this for the whole world to know. Our leaders are seeking to repress us so that we would keep quiet but we will not stay silent. Please, spread this so that the whole world knows. #endsars #endpolicebrutality

God bless.

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