fandom problems

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1. fandom elites: gosh, words cannot describe how they annoy me. these kinds of folks tend to be fans with a huge following and as a result, presume that their large following somehow puts them on top of the world.

they use their influence to try to dictate how things go in the fandom; whom characters should be shipped with and also try to dictate who is a 'real fan' and who is not.

tbh, those kinds of folks are bs. fandoms are meant to be a place of escapism; a safe space for people who just want to sit down and enjoy doing what they love.

2. people still throwing words around: sometimes I just want to roll my eyes to the back of my fucking head at the amount of times I see people throwing labels at stuff they don't like.

no, the creators refusing your demands doesn't mean they suck.

and no, an age gap ship between consenting adults is not pedophilia.

3. hypocrisy: folks who put down a character/ship for a factor while their preferred ship has exactly that same factor. if that doesn't spell hypocrisy, idk what does.

4. misogyny in the name of lgbtq positivity: god, I've seen this shit so many times that I just want to punch a wall.

i get the fact that you don't ship an m/f ship and it is okay. however, i have noticed fans who tend to ship m/m ships hating on female characters who are hinted to have a ship tease with one of the member of that ship.

it gets worse when the m/f relationship should eventually become canon because these fans then create fanfics where the female character is either a bitch or she is killed off in the most brutal manner ever.

look, there are other ways you can write content for your preferred ships without resorting to misogyny.

5. misogyny/misogynoir in m/f ships: just stop it please. if you are doing this, it needs to end, period. I have noticed some fanfics in which a female character who might have had a hint of history with the male character in a m/f ship (before meeting the female character in that ship) is hated on and made a serial antagonist.

while i have never been in any relationship, i do know that being an ex-girlfriend doesn't make you a villain or a bitch or whatever the heck some fanfics portray ex-girlfriends as.

this also crosses ties with misogynoir which is misogyny against black women and dark-skinned women of colour. our portrayal in media is bad enough, portraying us as bitchy antagonists in spaces where we should feel safe in is rubbing salt into raw wounds.

6. fan forcing their headcanons on other fans: it is absolutely okay to have your own headcanons and they won't be the same as that of other fans. of course, it is okay to share your headcanons with other fans but please be respectful with how you go about it.

7. people spamming ship/character tags with anti-ship/character posts: please, just stop it. not only is it rude but it is immature and petty af. instead, post your ship/character hate in an "anti-" tag and let others enjoy their ship/character!

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