elites in fandoms

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Warning: this applies only to fictional characters. I do not support shipping real life characters with people other than their real life spouses. Other than that, carry on.

Welcome to the FanFiction.Net/AO3 world where you are free to let your imagination run wild when it comes to your fandom. This is the place where you can write your fanfics without being judged, or is it?

During the time I joined Tumblr, I came across different fandoms like The Witcher, Vampire Diaries, Star Wars, Marvel Cinematic Universe and Mortal Kombat. I joined Tumblr for Mortal Kombat but met many fandoms that piqued my interest.

So, while meeting these fandoms and interesting blogs, there were some who appointed themselves as the Elite deciding what and what people should ship even going far to call age gap ships paedophilic!

Of course, there are some ships that are problematic like:

- incest shipping

- romanticized abuse

- paedophilic shipping and ships that include elements like child grooming

- "in-love-with-my-rapist" ships, which is 50 shades of messed up.

However to go to the extent of calling a age gap ship between two consenting adults paedophilic is way too far. It gets even funnier when this same person supports a fandom where one of the canonical ships has an age gap of about 9,900 years but an age gap of 20+ between consenting adults is somehow problematic.

I understand why many people may not support age gap ships, it might be uncomfortable for them. However, unless if one of the two parties is under legal age, just leave them be.

Another issue I would like to talk about is gender bending which I covered in a few chapters ago. I still find it hard to discern how gender bends are transphobic or anyway problematic. If anything, all I see are whining little babies who find everything offensive including the white clouds because they are ... white.

Another thing I want to talk about is white washing/black washing. If white washing exists, black washing does, right? According to Tumblr Elites, it doesn't. In fact, it is okay but heavens forbid you whitewash a POC character as seen in this photo I got from Tumblr

Changing the skin colour of a Japanese (sorry, I meant white although he is actually Japanese) is okay. Plus, isn't this like Blackface?

But heaven forbids you lighten the skin of a POC because rAcIsM eQuAlS pReJuDiCe PlUs PoWeR

In my book, both are wrong because you are disrespecting the characters and saying that they are not good in the skin colour that they have. If you feel that there's not enough POC representation in your fandom, why not create your own original character rather than tweaking another person's work?

My advice to those who may have come across the Elite on Tumblr, stay away from their path. Seriously, they will mess you up by sending their fanboys/fan girls for liking a ship they don't like (most especially when that ship is a healthy ship).

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