Chapter Two

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Mobile, Alabama, 1862

Jonathan Adams had never wanted to be a soldier. Unfortunately, his father was one of the highest ranked officers in the Confederate Army, so as his only son, it was expected he would sign up as soon as he turned eighteen.

His father was not exactly a bad man. He simply had a lot of anger toward slaves, and being told he had to release them and treat them as people instead of property had infuriated him.

When Jonathan was thirteen, a slave boy had accidentally set a fire one night. His mother had run into the slave quarters when she saw the smoke in an effort to save anyone she could and had lost her life. This had fueled his father's hatred for anyone who was not a White American.

The members of his regiment were in good spirits that afternoon. Their informants had told them the Yankees closest to them had either fallen or fled and they were free to enjoy themselves for once. In true Confederate spirit, they were celebrating this rare opportunity in a local tavern.

The typical sort of girls who spent time in taverns were gathered near the bar and were happily flirting with the soldiers hoping to gain new customers or perhaps a husband to rescue them from this lifestyle. Of course, no self-respecting soldier would marry a tavern wench, but they had no problem indulging the girls in their fantasies once in a while.

"Hello, Handsome," one of the girls said to Jonathan.

"Hello, Ma'am," he replied casually. He never picked up women of the night, but he saw no reason to be rude to them. His father had raised him to always be respectful of women as a good Southern man should. They were fragile and nurturing creatures who needed a man's wisdom to guide them through the terrible world they lived in.

"How would you like to get to know me better?"

"I am sure that would be a fine way to spend an afternoon, however I am on duty."

"Of course you are, Soldier. Still, can you spare a bit of time for yourself? Your friends seem to be fine with that."

Jonathan really studied her for a moment. She looked young. She couldn't have been older than Anne, and she was only sixteen. "I am honored by the request, Ma'am, truly," he said gently. "Come with me somewhere a bit quieter."

She smiled and walked away with him. They stood near the woods. "What is your name, Ma'am?" Jonathan asked.

"I am Alice. And you, Kind Sir?" Alice asked.

"Jonathan Adams. May I ask something without offending you, Alice?"

"Of course, Darling. Ask me anything you wish."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty," she replied.

"Come on, now," Jonathan said. He smiled at her charmingly. "Is that true?"

Alice blushed. Jonathan knew he was right about her age. Older women in her line of work rarely blushed even when they were being charmed.

"I am fifteen."

"Where are your parents?"

"My mother died when I was small and my father followed last year."

"Is that why you do this?"

"I have to do something to feed myself," Alice said quite practically. "I have no other skill they will pay for and no husband. What choice do I really have?"

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