Chapter Eight

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The following morning, Alyxx awoke to the heavenly scent of pancakes and bacon. "Mum," she said sleepily. Then she remembered where she was.

Since her mother was not there to tell her to dress up, Alyxx went downstairs wearing the pajamas she'd picked up the night before. Mark had taken her shopping for a couple of items, just to get her comfortable. Her clothes were essentially ones she would have worn in her time. They were colorful and flowing and artistic. Mark had also bought her an easel, a couple of blank canvases, and some paint. He was trying very hard to help her be happy even though she was in this situation.

Zane stood over the stove. He smiled when he saw her. "Good morning, Alyxx," he said warmly. "How did you sleep?"

"Surprisingly well, given the circumstances," Alyxx replied. "So, you cook, eh?"

"Yes I do. I hope you like pancakes."

"I love them, actually."

"Great. Have a seat at the table and I'll get a plate for you."

When he set the pancakes down in front of her, he also placed an island of different syrups on the table. Alyxx read them aloud. "Maple, blueberry, strawberry, butter pecan, and pumpkin spice? How am I supposed to choose?"

Zane laughed. "Strawberry's my favorite, personally."

"Alright, I'll give that one a try." She poured the syrup over her pancake and was instantly satisfied with the results. "This is totally fab!"

"I'm glad you like it."

"So am I the first one awake other than you?"

"Olivia left for the day. She keeps very busy. Jonathan's still fast asleep. I suspect Panya's been up for hours, but she hasn't come downstairs yet."

"Is she alright?"

"I think this is still a bit much for her. She'll be fine. She's a strong girl. She got between Dean and Ryan yesterday. Trust me, that requires courage."

"Still, she needs to eat. Would you like me to go get her?"

"No, finish eating first."

"I don't mind, really." Alyxx wiped her mouth with a napkin. "I already devoured an entire pancake. I'll eat more when I come back." She stood and walked up the stairs. When she arrived at the room Panya was sleeping in, she knocked gently.

Panya opened the door a crack and peaked out. When she saw it was Alyxx, she opened it the rest of the way. "Morning, Panya," Alyxx said. "How are you feeling?"

"I am still confused," Panya admitted.

"Same here, but I'm sure we can handle it together. How long have you been up?"

"I awoke at sunrise, as always."

"Sunrise? Ugh, I could never manage that! I'm a night person. That means you've been up for hours. You must be famished."

"I am well."

"Panya, when did you last eat?"

"I do not recall."

"Then it's been too long. Come on. A little food won't hurt you." She reached out toward Panya.

Panya hesitated, then took her hand. She allowed Alyxx to lead her downstairs. "You need clothes," Alyxx commented when they arrived at the table. Zane had stepped out of the kitchen.

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