Three Words: AGE OF ULTRON

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So, tonight I went and watched Avengers: Age of Ultron with my amazing friend @Lezzliwolf1223.

I absolutely loved it, mainly because of the action sequences and plot twists. However, I always see the fault in things, and I am an avid Marvel fan, so this is about the comics of Age of Ultron.

1) Who originally created Ultron-

Everyone is led to think that Tony Stark (with the help of Dr. Banner) created Ultron to create world peace without the Avengers' constant help. This, rightfully so, is true, IN THE MOVIE.

Ultron was originally created by Hank Pym, who was introduced in 1968 by writer Roy Thomas. Pym designed Ultron to be an artificial intelligence created for the betterment of makind. At least, that's what the comics say.

2) Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver-

These twins are the offspring of Magneto, known for his work in X-men. However, they were orphaned as children and raised by gypsies, who cast them aside whenever they found out their abilities. Scarlet Witch falls in love with Vision eventually (the red-skinned man with the golden cape created in the movie) and then..well..let's just say I really liked Quicksilver.

The point is, their storylines in the movie didn't match up with those of the comics, originally created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

3) Thanos-

Okay, so this was the dude at the end of the movie (if you stuck around for the credits) and he was putting his hand into a golden glove, which is called the Infinity Gauntlet. You see, the Gauntlet was designed to hold six gems, known in the movie as the Infinity Gems. The trouble is, the yellow gem, called the Reality Gem, gave life to Vision, who then destroyed Ultron in the final scene of the movie.

Also, Thanos is the supreme villain in Guardians of the Galaxy, sending minor villians like Ronan the Accuser to fight the Guardians. He is going to be the main protagonist in Guardians 2, which I believe is coming out either next year or 2017. That's all I can remember from the comics about Thanos (sorry I don't focus on him).

4) Tie-ins-

With Thanos in the end, that ties into Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Infinity Gauntlet ties into Mr. Fantastic, which ties into The Fantastic Four, which I cannot wait for (Miles Teller :D)!

The Civil War- I don't wanna give any spoilers into Captain America 3, mainly because I'm reading it right now.

I know there's another one, but it's late and my brain is malfunctioning.

So, I have a (sort of) funny story.

Lezzli and I were in the theater, and we sat in some seats, which were clearly marked 'Not Reserved'.

Being the people we are, we sat in the row right above the reserved seats. Wrong idea.

Here come ten or so people, claiming the seats we were occupying were theirs. So, it was really awkward, but in the end Lezzli and I got other seats.

Sorry people who reserved seats!

Hah, I guess you kinda had to be there to see the humor in it..sooooo

That's really all I have for now *steps off soapbox*.

I hope people don't think I'm that one Marvel nerd who criticizes awesome movies, because I'm not. I just saw Stan Lee's version of it through his comics (btw when I found him, it was so hilarious!).

Anyways, the movie was awesome. The comics explain it all. Read them; I highly encourage it.

*yawn* I wanna say more but...

I cannot wait until The Infinity War. That will be the most beautiful thing.

With (conditional) love,


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