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I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.

I need a six month vacation twice a year.

An apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.

Why isn't there a summer camp for fandoms and we can all meet and at the end of the summer our idols come and do a concert and meet and greet.


How to ruin your life in ten easy steps...

Step one: Join a fandom

Step two: there isn't a step two, your life has already been ruined.


If you had to choose between your significant other and one million dollars, what is the first thing you'd buy?


The police called and said that one of my friends escaped from the mental hospital. Which one of you crazies got out and where should I pick you up?


The friend zone is basically like when someone turns you down for a job then calls you every week and complains about the guy they hired.

Most populated places in the world:

1) China

2) India

3) Friendzone

4) United States

5) Indonesia


The first eighteen years of your life are like a free trial, and after that it's pay to play.



Quite possibly the most dangerous thing in my house.


Maybe hot chocolate wants to be called beautiful chocolate just one time.


Stop for just one second.

Think about all the people you've secretly had a crush on. All the people you've found attractive, but never said anything to. Every stranger you've temporarily fallen in love with on public transportation. All the people you've dreamt of and thought of in the early mornings.

And now take a moment to realize that you have been this person for so many people...and you have no idea.


To all the girls that want thigh gaps...I win.

             Sincerely, SpongeBob.


 "I waited too long to even read the sequel, and now I can't even remember the characters."

"I read the whole series in less than two days, and now can't separate the events of individual books."

"I've read so much fanfiction for this series, I can't even remember what really happened in the books."


The three most common lies on the Internet:

1. I have read and agree to the terms of service.

2. Status: offline.

3. Yes, I am over 18 years old.


Yeah and that's it...for now...


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